TC in our dreams

I've watched this movie that I sometimes have dreams about it, usually of being in a large dark house that is supposed to be the Chessman House, although it doesn't always match the movie. Also, of feeling an ominous presence that's supposed to represent Joseph. I remember vividly in one dream seeing a wheelchair move by itself over the second story floor of the house.

Does anyone else ever have dreams related to our movie?

House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!


I've had a few worth mentioning. The creepiest one involved me setting something up in my living room (I think it was Christmas decor, but not like it matters.) but then I heard Joseph's voice whisper something right behind me and I felt this incredibly real chill go up my spine. When I woke up I could still hear his voice very vividly in my mind. Needless to say I had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep that night.

I'm adding to my original post now because very recently I've had a few really interesting dreams about TC. I've had one where I was watching the crew film the drowning scene, another one where I was walking through an entire replica of the house which was built exactly to scale. But the most interesting one I've had so far is one where I was watching a version of the film where Joseph didn't drown at all. He was just playing dead in the tub and as soon as he found that he had tricked his father into thinking he had drowned, he somehow managed to climb out of the bath tub and escape from his house. It was absolutely bizarre.


That first dream makes my skin crawl all over. I hope I never have one like it.

House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!


I dream of my grandmother's house thanks to this movie. In the dreams there are extra floors and alcoves and hallways like that top floor has.
