MovieChat Forums > Caddyshack (1980) Discussion > What some people don't seem to understan...

What some people don't seem to understand about this movie

I have been killing some time today reading comments about Caddyshack, and I see alot of "I just watched it, what's supposed to be so funny about it?" or "This movie is NOT funny"
Well, its not the plot that is funny. It's a completely forgettable plot. For the most part the characters are not particularly memorable in context to the plot as well. So what makes this movie a classic? The answer is simple: THE ONE LINERS

This movie has so many hilarious one liners that it will live forever. I cannot count how many times over the years I have yelled "NOONAN!!!! NOONAN!!!" when one of my friends is trying to anything! I cannot go more than a week or so without asking someone I am eating with "Are you gonna eat your fat?" I will never get tired by saying to someone "you get a free bowl of soup with that (insert "haircut", "shirt", "boobjob", etc) and then follow up with "It looks good on you, though" with the obligatory eye roll. Guys, try this tonight with your significant other, "I was booorrrrrrrrrn to love you/ I was booooorrrrrnnn to lick your face/ I was booooooorrrrrnnn to rub you/ But you were!"



There's a lot of badness in the world Danny.... I didn't want to do it, but I owed it to them.


Haha i've watched it many times but never picked up that line. Great one.


Gunga galunga...gunga, gunga lagunga.

Nothing is so good that somebody, somewhere will not hate it. -- Frederik Pohl


LOL. I've also used:


"Well, the world needs ditch diggers too."


"Thanks, that's all I need." (Said with an Irish Accent)


"On my death bed I'll receive total consciousness, so I have that going for me."

"Be happy in your work." Colonel Saito
The Bridge on the River Kwai, Columbia Pictures (1957)


Caddyshack is just one of those movies that every American teenager and especially every teenage male has watched at least once in their life. Had an excellent comedic cast (Rodney Dangerfield sparring off with Ted Knight a.k.a. Ted Baxter), Bill Murry, Harold Ramis, Brian Doyle Murry, and Chevy Chase.

This was also somewhat oddly a teen film and a teenager coming of age like film. The poor caddy kid who wants to go to college and the obstacles in his way.The us vs. them, working class vs. the rich, the cool people vs. the a..holes. The deserving kid fighting his way to his life vs. a dumbass grandson of the judge who is a nitwit asking "Are you going to eat your fat?"

Even though it was made in 1980, it was a very 1980's movie.


Yes, same with Pulp Fiction and Monty Python; they are the most quotable movies of ALL TIME!

"What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"


I use "You'll get nothing and like it!" constantly.

That's right, I'm love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.


The line I always use when someone, anyone is taking too long to do something is; "Welll! We're waiting!"

Or when I'm doing something and I don't want to screw it up. I will say under my breath; "Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy! Oh Billy, Billy, Billy!"

We were on our way to Midnight Mass!


I think although the humour in this is outdated (like Animal House) what holds true for many people who enjoyed this film is the Golf subculture.
A lot of people ask what was so funny? But to understand many of the jokes is to understand the context in which they are packaged.
The whole G&CC scene is practically dead in todays generation, so new viewers will probably never understand.
No this movie is less about Golf and more about the G&CC (if that sheds light).
I've worked both sides of the aisle:
- up at 5AM to be a caddy
- received the quarter tip
- caddy tourneys
- lifeguard at pool
- groundkeeper at golf club
Then as i got older
- played as guest at these clubs
- been to these ridiculous CC dinners and parties
- personally known the characters of Ted Knight, Dangerfield, Ty, the kids, the daughter, Danny etc..
- gambled, etc..

As a result this film totally
hits home. The characters are spot on although exagerated... but the humour is timeless if you lived through at least the 80s.

So of course there


I think once you've seen Caddyshack about 50 times like me you start to avoid the more obvious one liners and gravitate more to the innocuous lines of dialogue, which are infinitely quotable nonetheless. And vice versa I've probably over time forgotten most of the actual comedic one liners. I repeat these lines on a daily basis:

"Well tanks for nuttin!"

"Ah ha ha ha. Ok Pookie, do the honors."

"Whatd'ya say Al?"

"Look at this wax build up on my shoes!"

"This calls for the old Billy Baruh."

"How'd you like to mow my lawn? Huh?

"How about a Fresca?"

"Gambling is illegal at Bushwood sir, and I never slice."

"I was born to love you, I was born to lick your face, I was born to rub you..but you were born to rub me first."

"Yes Yes winter rules."

Twitter @killakippa


The OP doesn't seem to have much of a life thinking those one liners are funny.
