MovieChat Forums > Brave New World (1980) Discussion > wanted : legal copy 1980 ver Brave New ...

wanted : legal copy 1980 ver Brave New World

Would love to get a copy of this TV movie. DVD or VHS region 1 compatable. Does such a copy (legal) exist ?


There is no such thing as a "legal" copy of this version of "Brave New World." NBC never released it to the home video market. (I don't even think such is available in the UK either.)

Any copy of it you get, be it either DVD or VHS, is one that was recorded directly from a TV broadcast. (Probably from it's one and only broadcast, back in 1980. I ended up with a NTSC AND a PAL VHS version of this TV movie.)

If you want it bad enough, the only option, for now, is to look on eBay, or take up the offer of some of the posters at this message board for the 1980 version of Aldous Huxley's novel.
