
now this movie i liked with that creepy music i enjoyed it no remake i like it the way it is


I agree, the musical score used was very creepy. The film was loaded with hair-raising jump out of your seat scares throughout the entire movie. My particular favorite scenes for example was when the shard from the mirror is attached to Lacey's eye near the end of the film. That scene where she is coldy respondent to her Aunt's death, and when she turns around and hollers in an chilling demonic voice genuinely frightened me when I first saw it. And very few films accomplish that with me, And the woman cutting her hair with the garden scissors was very sickening and strange as she seem to be doing it against her will. I also was creeped out by the "breathing" mirror piece accompanied by a heartbeat sound that left the viewer with an indeterminate sense if the killer's spirit has been destroyed or not. It was never boring either. An overlooked horror masterpiece.


An over looked horror masterpiece!? Please tell me your being ironic.
Its up there with Trolls 2.


The Boogeyman is definitely no masterpiece, but it's far from being as bad as Troll 2...Some horror films work because they are so bad they're good- The Boogeyman, the first Troll, The Pit, The Video Dead...Troll 2 doesn't even work on this level(in my opinion) I'll give Troll 2 credit for one thing, it's not as bad as Night of Horror or Back Woods.


Oh, dear... I hate to say it, jonathanmckenna, but you really need to get out more. I LOVE this terrible movie. It is the epitomy of "so bad, it's good," and the film certainly works on that level.

Anyhow, at least some viewers were creeped out about it, although I cannot fathom why. To each his own.


"Oh, dear... I hate to say it, jonathanmckenna, but you really need to get out more."

What does 'getting out more' have to do with liking or disliking a movie? How exactly would getting out more effect someone's taste in a movie?

"Anyhow, at least some viewers were creeped out about it, although I cannot fathom why."

Fear is subjective..not hard to fathom at all.

My head hurts, my teeth itch, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus.


This was a great movie! I was just telling my husband about it the other day as he has never seen it.

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!"



Wasn't Halloween supernatural to begin with? Maybe not to the extent of Boogeyman, but Michael Myers wouldn't die after all.


Yeah, I did. I watched the Return of the Boogeyman, and it showed some clips from this first part. I caught the scene of the house. I thought it was strange.


Ehh, i'd have to agreeive with jonathanmckenna about this being a creepy movie that worked! I mean, it delivered the goods. It also made a cool $10 Million at the box office in 1980 for Ulli Lommel. I heard a sequel was made.


Certainly not a masterpiece, but I enjoyed it. I wonder if there were some cuts. The bathroom kill scene looked like it called for more nudity.



although this movie is on most levels absolutely terrible, it is one of those 80's movie that has a certain vibe to it that makes it creepy. I agree, the synthesised score is great, and works well against the visuals. Its obviously totally let down by the fact its a total rip off of Halloween only with a mirror instead of Michael Myers and much lesser standard of acting from the cast.

I picked this up by accident on a cheap four feature dvd set which cost me something like 40p, but was pleasantly surprised. The sequel is a waste of time, as its basically clips of the first movie making up about %70 of its running time.

If you can find it cheap enough, its worth a watch.


I actually have this soundtrack on my hard drive. Copied from the album that was released when the movie came out.


Did you actually buy the LP when it came out? I wish I had the foresight. This film has a very propulsive synth-pop soundtrack.

I set my sights very low before I watched this, and it was much better than I expected. A low-budget video nasty that teases us and ultimately delivers. I'll never look at a mirror the same way again. 7/10 stars.
