MovieChat Forums > The Blues Brothers (1980) Discussion > This film had a cocaine budget

This film had a cocaine budget

Oh, how the times have changed.


Carrie and John probably consumed the lion's share of it.


“The lion’s share” means “the whole thing.” It’s almost always used improperly.


Maybe what it meant in Aesop's Fable, but not in modern English usage:
Definition of lion's share
: the largest portion
received the lion's share of the research money

(It's had this meaning for over three hundred years):

The lion’s share is the largest part, the greatest and most desirable portion of something. The lion’s share is a common English phrase by the year 1701. The phrase comes from a fable written by Aesop, in which the lion goes hunting with three other beasts. When it’s time to divide the spoils, the lion takes one portion for his title as king of the forest, another portion because he is a partner, another portion because he is the strongest and the last portion because an accident will befall anyone who lays a paw upon it. The moral of this Aesop tale is “One may share the labors of the great, but you will not share the spoils.” Today the lion’s share does not mean the entire amount as it does in the fable, the lion’s share refers to the biggest and best portion.


Looks like you've been schooled now. Isn't the internet grand? Use the phrase in it's modern meaning henceforth.




It's = It is.
Correct in this case, as best I can see.


"Use the phrase in it is modern meaning henceforth."???


Oh... shit. Sorry. What was I thinking?


No it means almost the whole thing. It has never been used to talk about the whole thing. Even if the lion effectively denies others a share in the fable, it has always been used to mean an unequal share or unequal partnership. And to describe the impossibility of taking a larger share than the dominant partner allows you.


I don't recall one scene with cocaine in it


Aykroyd was not talking about the film itself, but what went on behind the scenes.


I guess he should have been more clearer in his post


"more clearer" ?


Yea the way that post was worded, if you read it fast like I did, then it came off as cocaine being used in the movie


Do not engage. Remember, this is Millsey!


I don't think it was necessary. Every movie has expenses that don't actually show up on screen. Catering, travel, etc.


Times sure have changed. Now the budget includes health insurance to cover actors going to psychiatrists to get their necessary doses of anti-depressants, SSRIs, stimulants, suppressants, uppers, downers, sleep aids, focus aids, anti-anxiety medication, ADHD medication, and whatever else is advertised on TV and via word-of-mouth in LA actor circles.


I wish it helped make the movie funny. But I guess they weren't going for that.
