The last scene

Am i the only one that's bewildered? They died, right? Because they ate the berries. Even if they were found in time their stomachs wouldn't have been able to be pumped immediately.


Yes, perhaps they would have died. But, was it proven that the berries would make you die?

You're just a ME!


At the end of this movie they are alive. Found just in time. This is the same as in the book.

But at the beginning of the sequel, they are deader than dirt. This is the same as in the book. The author changed his mind between books, resulting in a continuity error.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


Why do you think the berries would kill them? Just because a drunken old sailor tells them that? Have you ever heard of such berries? What was truly dangerous was the poisonous rock fish she stepped one, but that didn't kill her. No, regarding the berries, that was as much of a myth as hearing the sun hiss when it "touched the ocean".

That whole thing didn't ring true to me at all and I am surprised it is in the book, if it is. They managed to survive as children all alone on a tropical island, grow up, and make a family, and then they commit suicide because the baby might have eaten a berry, or two? They couldn't have been that kind of people.
