Naive young adults

Em' en Richard could they be this naive about breastfeeding?


They'd never seen it, or even heard of it. They had no idea that breasts could feed a baby.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


They didn't even understand that they were the baby's parents. And I thought that was very silly.


I think they knew they were the baby's parents, what they didnt know is how they made him. But this film is set in like 1880 or something? im sure sex education wasnt taught then

I want to fly on a magic carpet, to meet with the king of the Potato People and beg for my freedom.


In 1979 I knew 12-14 y/o girls who didn't know who procreation happened, I had to explain to them, I knew since I was 7, but I came from a reading family. I had not watched this movie since it came out, I am astounded at how well it has aged. As a teen I watched the teen action, but as an adult, I see the movie making, it was even better than I remembered.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**
