MovieChat Forums > The Blue Lagoon (1980) Discussion > Explain this scene please?

Explain this scene please?

Just watched this movie on AMC, the edited version I'm sure and I've never seen the unedited. Please explain the scene between Richard returning after looking at Paddy's skeleton and the scene where Emmeline shows Richard baby Paddy can swim.
I see Robert kissing her neck from behind and then he moves down but Emmeline has a very sullen/sad face, is that all there is to it? Or was some of that scene cut off?



the skeleton shows that richard learned wat death is.. kinda

and the swimming.. yea there was nothing to it lol


Yeah, I noticed this look as well and wondered what is was about.

That's what I came here to ask.


Emma is nursing baby Paddy at the time and I think Richard suckles on her too. She had that look of pro-lactin release. ask any woman who's nursed her infant and had her husband latched on too for some tender mothering . yeah, it happens.


Hope Richard isn't lactose intolerant.

- Aging is a physical problem, and physical problems are amenable to engineering solutions.


Yeesh, I don't know how I feel about my man sucking my milk WHILE my bay is eating.

Sookeh iz mahn



80s. And many civilized people feel that's kind of a nice romantic thing to do and not weird at all.

Let's just say that God doesn't believe in me.


I figured he was going to suckle on her breasts too. I'm sorry, but that just sounds bizarre to me.
I'd feel strange having my husband/boyfriend doing that...never mind while I was feeding my baby.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Nipple-sucking is a pretty standard part of love-making.

What If Rick James had Become the Hulk?


lmao, you guys crack me up. Nice reading threads like these after a joint^^

I don't need a sig because I'm Awesome!



Some people find that scene erotic, I personally don't like the idea of him doing it while the baby is right there; but if he was asleep in his crib I'd be all for it.

I'm not reading your manifesto, keep your damn posts short!


Why not while the baby's there? Weirdness is just something you haven't experienced, it's not an absolute.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


I think eating people is weird to

Brian Kinney & Justin Taylor
