Unashamed titilation

The fact this film was made at all is scandalous. What could have been a story of innocence was turned into a porn film designed purely to titilate a young audience into having underage sex as well a turn on for dirty old men.

Disgusting !!


Absolutely! Because we all know that there is just NO WAY that teenagers would have sex if they didn't see it in a movie.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


Yes, yes, yes... all this horrid pornography should have been tempered with blood and gore, wild boars and gutted cadavers, vivid gunshots and violence do discourage teenagers from looking at the discovery of sexuality as something natural yet obviously sexual.

Teenagers nowadays with their facebook bra displays, sexing, shots and night romps, Rihanna 90% naked waving her stuff around, can really trace their sexual rampages back to this movie.


Are you saying it's natural for young girls to exploit themselves over the internet?

Is this to be an empathy test?


I just watched it tonight. Saw it once in the 90s, and when it came out. As a teen I saw only the teen romance, today I see a beautiful story of survival and naïveté. It was absolutely beautifully filmed, with minimal nudity, given the context. His penis was hidden by the loin cloth for 90% of the film. Brook had no full frontal nudity, and had her cloths and hair glued to her breasts for the most part. I thought it struck a relatively conservative balance, I would expect that I would end up mostly naked in similar circumstance.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


Well said. There's nothing in this film that I found perverse or offensive. The nudity is done with such delicacy and looks perfectly natural if you grew up on a tropical island. It's one of the things I love most about the movie: It's simplistic beauty. They actually would have looked ridiculous running around in shirts and pants in 100 degree heat :)


They actually would have looked ridiculous running around in shirts and pants in 100 degree heat :)

Even if they wanted to look ridiculous where would they find shirts and pants? Or have American 19th century kids been taught at the age of 3 how to produce textile and sew clothes to avoid being indecent just in case they ever land on a desert island...


Good point! Polo shirts did not exist circa 1900 but I'm sure you know what I meant :)

Kleiser does mention in one of the commentaries though it was important these characters have as little clothing as possible to make life on the island more believable. I agree with him on that.


Kleiser originally wanted them to be nude most of the time, but when Brooke Shields wouldn't do her own nudity, he felt he couldn't have a body double doing most of her scenes, so the trunk with it's forever-un moldy clothing showed up.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


That would explain that one dress I noticed that looked like something out of a garage sale. It's sort of brownsih see through. She's wearing it when she crossed that little pond to go see "God". :)


And how "titilating" isn't the Internet, where the most obscene form of perversion is at every child's fingertip? You have a warped understanding about sex, which isn't surprising, given the time you grew up in.


Shut up.

Most recent first view:
Blue Lagoon: The Awakening - 6.5/10


op you are talking out your ass, the film did not have much nudity and any actual nudity was done with taste.
