MovieChat Forums > The Blue Lagoon (1980) Discussion > Wouldn't they have had lots of babies?

Wouldn't they have had lots of babies?

If they didn't know the first time, then they wouldn't have known how to prevent pregnancy. It is much easier to get pregnant the second time and third time.


Nursing decreases fertility a little bit. Not a whole lot (please girls, don't let any guy convince you that nipple-sucking is effective birth control), but a little.

this post has been deleted because it could no longer keep its anger in check


That's true, breast feeding is rather effective contraceptive method in the beginning (but definitely not the one to rely on); yet during months the balance of hormones starts recovering. Today many mothers breastfeed during second, sometimes third year of baby's life and there is still, to certain level, reduction of fertility. And if we have in mind that younger teenage girls are less fertile (remember, that was in late 19th century, 14 year old girls often didn't have periods at all, so even this pregnancy was not very probable... very, very little chance to have another happen so soon as the OP suggests.


"That's true, breast feeding is rather effective contraceptive method"

You must be what they call a parent of two (or more). I've known more than a few couples who fit that description based because they mistakenly believed the same thing. One friend almost died from internal hemorrhaging due to complications linked to the fact that her body never got enough time to recover from the first pregnancy when the second came along. She was bed-ridden for most of the second pregnancy. Don't believe it kids!


Please keep in mind that, effective or not, you have to have already had a baby to try it. If you're wanting to avoid becoming a parent in the first place, there are more effective methods available, and you should use them.

These methods include condoms, the Pill, abstinence, diaphragm, Depo-Provera shot, and several others. It's actually best to use TWO methods so that if one fails the other can still protect you (i.e., she takes the Pill and he wears a condom, or they practice abstinence and know how to use condoms in case they change their minds or are swept up in the moment... hey, it happens).

Here is a chart which compares the effectiveness of various contraceptive methods and devices: tml#ArticleParsysMiddleColumn0014

This post has been deleted because it could no longer keep its anger in check



Wow. In two sentences, one little line of text, fifteen words, you manage to:

a) engage in ad hominem attack,

b) run afoul of Godwin's Law,

c) utterly fail to address anything I actually said,

d) make it clear that you believe that ignorance is bliss, and finally

e) advocate censorship by force.

And all of that in so short a message. That's quite an accomplishment, and I hope that you are proud of yourself.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


I am a father of more than two indeed, but none of them was concepted due to belief in fairy-tales-contrapetive methods. I have clearly stated that a) breast feeding does reduce chances for pregnancy, and b) this reduction is by far insufficient to use it as a contraceptice method. It is "effective" as a scintific number (significantly lower), but no way should it be considered "effective" for use in real life.

This reduction of fertility was invented by nature exactly to prevent what happened to those couples you were talking about. But nature doesn't care for individuals, it designs future of species (big numbers) and there is no guarantee that any particular body, any particular organism will behave according to these general rules of nature.

As usual... when you want kids nature does everything to prevent them, when you don't want them nature has special supplies for you.

So, as a conclusion: if you are married and have more kids planned in future, and you wouldn't mind to have them soon, it is most likely that you won't have them while breast feeding (and if you still get pregnant, never mind). But if you have any reason not to have them soon or ever again, you have to use real contraception.


Lactational amenorrhea is more effective in the first 6 months, then goes quickly downhill after that. But this is mostly due to the fact that the breastfeeding reduces in frequency for most parents. However, if the breastfeeding is full time, no exceptions, the amenorrhea is statistically much longer. But "perfect" breastfeeding is impossible in our modern society, we have so many feeding options available to us. But in centuries past, this was a major form of contraception.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


Well look at the Duggars. They have 19, 20 kids. Seems the mom is having a kid every year. I'm sure she is breast feeding the entire time. Don't think she has ever stopped. Breast feeding sure hasn't stopped her from getting pregnant.


I was talked in general, it is just a matter of statistics. Statistically there is not a big chance for human to be killed by a meteorite, but if you're the lucky one you wouldn't care about statistics, being dead... Statistically height of average person is between 1.70 and 1.85 (just guessing), but you wouldn't cut a basketball player head to make him "normal". So, while statistically most women become less fertile while breastfeeding, it surely can't be applied to the whole female population.


My fantasy is that Emmeline was pregnant when they left the island but was only a couple weeks along and hadn't yet said anything to Richard about it.

Let's just say that God doesn't believe in me.




With her, I would have kept trying daily...She would have stayed preggers..

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


Weren’t Emma and the guy supposed to be about 15 or 16 at the end of the movie? If so it explains why they only had one baby. At that point they had only been able to conceive for about a two years.


It's a misconception of modern society that females in times past spent all their time procreating. That's a religious concept. In nature, there are a few factors that naturally reduce fertility. Lactation only has an efficient contraceptive effect when the nursing is ABSOLUTELY continuous. In past civilisations, before modern religious missionaries declared nursing past a few months was "dirty", women used to nurse til past 5 years of age.

Also, food scarcity has a "skinniness" impact on people, obviously, but skinniness (below 18% fat) also reduces fertility.

So before religion told women that they were to "serve" their husbands, female fertility was not as high as people think.

And the risk of pregnancy does not change in so few years. As women we're born with all the eggs we'll ever have. So the procreation done at a young age is with young age, whereas the procreation done in middle age, is done with old eggs. The risk of conception is the same, but the probability of a successful pregnancy is highest in ones 20s. By the time we hit 40, our skeletons already show signs of aging, and our fitness is no longer at its prime.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


This is a weird and random thread to be talking about but whatever I'm bored. I'd have to point to what the person above said that they were about 15/16ish and it seemed a bit slow in puberty and so really had only 1-2 yrs to procreate anyways. Also, being a woman, I can say although there's always chance to get impregnated- from fertility doctors even from ancient times who believed that whole cycle followed the moon till today when they basically recommend certain "times of the month"- although only at one point in the cycle is it ever actual menstrual there's also a point where it's the most fertile, at other times its not nearly as easy to get impregnated. So its believable that she wasn't popping out babies on account of the mere 1-2 years of puberty and the possibility that their sexual exploits were occurring at less fertile times, thus making in the odds in their favor...or in their disfavor, if you want them to be popping out babies that is...


I agree with Christianity, if it's against nursing a kid til he's 5 years old or older. I think a mother breastfeeding a 5 year old kid or older is downright creepy and bizarre.


I initially thought it odd that they didn't have more babies, given all the sex they seemed to have.
But in reality, its certainly possible that Emmeline just couldn't have any more children. A lot of couples are this way.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I would suggest that having kids is a pretty good birth control mechanism. You are too tired from chasing after the kids you already have, so you have no energy left for thinking about making more!

The main reason that Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live
