Director's cut

I saw a posting on the net about a director's cut of the film that's suppose to be out in November.
Back when the film was getting ready to be released, it was sneaked previewed in Denver. Major complaint from the audience was there was too much nudity. Film went through some more editing before the offical release.
I'm wondering if anyone else had heard anything about this.


Nope. Haven't heard a thing. More nudity would mean more body double, and it could get pretty obvious and blatant, so maybe it's just as well if it isn't real.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


The audience COMPLAINED about the nudity and the director listened to them? I highly doubt that. Maybe if he previewed it in Salt Lake City would I believe that audiences complained, and who cares if they did. Any audience who complains about that nudity isn't a worthy audience. Anyway, I doubt if Randal Kleiser is the least bit interested in reediting that movie at this late date.


This is all nonsense. Audiences in 1980 most certainly did not complain about nudity -- the country was a much more liberal and free-thinking place before the neocon, evangelical poison invaded our culture.

In 1980 you could get away with A LOT more in the movies than you can today.

I am free. But life is so cheap.


Actually, Tipper Gore led he revolt against nudity in movies and bad music lyrics back in the mid 80's...


I'm not trying to look at that time with rose-colored glasses but I think sexuality was more healthy at the time, before the advent of mainstream pornography. The farther we go in perversion - the father the government will go in instituting laws and restrictions. I'm a Christian and I think this movie depicts a healthy view on sexuality. Less crude, mechanical romping, and more connection between souls. And they didn't use contraception which is always a plus.

BTW, do you think that the "evangelical poison" would approve of the way sex is depcited on the Internet? Pornography is mainstreamed today, perversion is rampant. So really, is the evangelical movement really that powerful? Just look at every darn comedy these days. They get away with a lot more today, trust me. It's more cynical now. Nudity is not bad - the attitude on the current silver screen is.


a habit, I agree. Great post.

The beauty is I'm learning how to face my beast ~ Blue October
