how did they.....

survive until they became teenagers. we dont really see that part, we just see them swimming, and then the time lapses while they are in the water and they become teens. but i cannot imagine 2 kids at age 6-7 being able to survive until they were 17/18.

and also...

if you were them... would you want to stay forever and would you do what they did at the end (idk how to do the spoiler tags) because of the baby?


They were eight, not six or seven. They knew how to prepare food, make fire, build shelter. The only dangerous animals were the sharks and stonefish. There wasn't anybody to catch any diseases from. The weather was agreeable.

All that and a bit of luck...
Yeah, they could survive.

As to what I would want to do, or if I would do what they did at the end, well...

Their psychology would be so different from the rest of us. They had no peer group, from the age of eight on. They didn't know where babies came from. They didn't understand that people die. They'd actually SEEN death, and still didn't understand what it was. They didn't have any sense of sexual sin. Even the most hard-core of free love advocates has the notion of sexual sin knocking around somewhere in the mind. Not Richard and Emmeline.

It's impossible to guess what people like that would do, in most circumstances.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


I think there should have been one or two scenes with Paddy Button when they were pre-teens.


There are a lot of ways this story, or one like it, could be handled. Imagine if that trunk had contained a basic medical textbook. Boom, lots of things change.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


Paddy was with them for quite a while, probably months. He taught them to gather food, catch fish, build shelters, etc. They learned how to survive, by surviving along with Paddy. After he died, they just continued doing the same things, adding their own experience to the mix.
