MovieChat Forums > The Blue Lagoon (1980) Discussion > How Would They Have Grown If Paddy Hadn'...

How Would They Have Grown If Paddy Hadn't Died?

An interesting thought, if Paddy Button hadn't died, how do you think things would have been different? They probably would have still grown up falling in love, but it probably would have been more secretive with Paddy present. Or maybe not, who knows.

He (Paddy) probably would have gotten that signal fire lit on first sight of the ship when Emmeline failed / refused to. How would their attitudes and overall maturity been different later on with him still there?

Interesting idea to think of, but it would probably just haven't been the same with him there all along. He was an excellent mentor to them, however, and I wonder how much more he would have been able to teach them. He of course taught them all he could about survival, perhaps he could have moved on to teaching them more about life as they got older. Definitely wouldn't have been the same movie, it was absolutely beautiful how they discovered it (life) all on their own.



Actually I really liked Paddy, and although I think it was appropriate for him to die for the story to continue as it did, I wish that they had shown at least one or maybe even two more scenes with him interacting with Richard and Em as children before dying.



i think if he had lived he would've ended up raping emmeline. A hardend sailor, who has had women in every port, now stuck on an island with such a beautiful women and no access to nooky? I think it was lucky for emmeline he did die.



Would they understand rape though? I mean the idea of it? I feel like if they had no idea what sex was, they wouldn't get that "rape" was wrong. I know this sounds horrible, but speaking from the prospective of kids that have never seen a pregnant woman, most likely wouldn't grow to understand rape (or sex for that matter).

Yes, I make spelling mistakes often as a result of using IMDB on mobile devices :)


Not knowing what modern society is would have been a good thing for Richard & Em. They would remain "pure" sort of speak and not be currupted by various influences or expectations that come with growing up in a big city.


OT but I thought I should say this: I was sexually abused by someone when I was five. I didn't understand sex but what I DID understand was that it was wrong what this man was doing to me. Children may not understand sex but they know when they're being hurt.

Money isn't the root of all evil. Love of money is.


Richard (who would have become a big strong teenager) would have ended up having to kill Paddy to keep him from raping Emmeline once she grew up.


Yeah, Paddy would have taught them much more and they wouldn't have been as naive, but I'm glad that's not how it turned out...

Most recent first view:
Turbo - 7/10


Paddy would have gotten to Emme first and fathered her first child. Then he and Richard would probably alternate being fathers to her children. And happiness would be shared by all.
