MovieChat Forums > Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978) Discussion > How can people take this movie seriously...

How can people take this movie seriously?

I've read reviews for this movie, and I am shocked. Can you believe that there are a race of human beings out there (with the i.q. of a bag of dirt) who have the gall to take this film seriously? I don't want to know "why" they do it, I want to know "how" they do it. How the *beep* can you take a movie, who's monster is a horde of man eating TOMATOES, seriously??!! Explain it to me. Please.


No one takes it seriously. it's a comedy. Comedies aren't supposed to be taken seriously.

It's a great movie!!

"It's a dangerous thing to confuse children with angels."

-Henry Gibson


Yes, I know, but there ARE people who take this film seriously. Really.




I know! People actually taking this film seriously... It's like they just can't grasp that it's not supposed to be serious, I don't get it either.

You know, I think I'm going to like being a Jedi.


Yes, there are people who take it seriously, but they shouldn't.

I am EL Bounco
Poon you I shall.


Sometimes, you just have to ignore the stupid people.


Maybe the people who take it seriously took the opening too much to heart. They are worried that if they laugh, a mob of tomatoes will ravage their town. :P

If I stumbled would you still be there?


As I seem to recall, ads for this film marketed it as 'The World's first musical disaster comedy (a genre which remains woefully underdeveloped).' Anyone who tries to take a musical disaster comedy seriously is in way over their head.


Hi, my name is Earthwind Gershwin and I'd like to point out that tomatoes are people too, and not just any people. People that come from the earth, not just the planet, but they're planet people. See? Isn't that beautiful? They should not be portrayed as killers. Tomatoes are beautiful not-a-vegetable-I'm-really-a-fruit beings, and we must treat them with the utmost respect. Hug them, love them, bathe them, scrub them, just don't don't pick them, fry them, beat them or eat them.

Let's paint a little mountain over here, maybe, for our happy little squirrel friends, there. Maybe a little bush for a little rabbit, I don't know, it's your world, you're painting it, just take it away.

Attack of the killer tomatoes... ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES!


Probrably the same people who will watch 2 minutes of an old zombie movie, turn it off because they don't like it, and go around proclaiming it's the worst movie ever because it was stupid (because we all know that the rest of the movie wouldn't had cleared anything up).

I haven't seen this movie yet, but I already know that it isn't suppose to be serious. It seems that a lot of people can't just say "It didn't entertain me" any more :(


Ummm...because they're morons?


I seen a film critic call Doogal "juvenile" and say "You would have to be 5yrs to enjoy such a horrible movie" So I took my 5 year old daughter to it, go figure.

"I will have to read a couple of blogs before I can form my opinion on that"


IQ of a bag of dirt? I beg to differ.It may not have occurred to you, but there are actually people who don't give a damn what the critics say. And another thing you may not know: It's not that we don't realize it's bad. We know it, and admit it whole-heartily. But that's why we love it. I recommend opening your mind to some more creative, non-shallow films. I can work up a list for you.
