Muppet babies

anyone rememebr they used to shot little clips from this movie on that show sometimes?




Yes, I remembered one episode where Fozzy tells a joke, and all the killer tomatoes (cartoonized), were crammed up in a bottle, thus giving reference to tomato and ketchup. Something like that.


yes. you're right.


Yeah! Muppet Babies was way ahead of it's time.


When your room looks kinda weird, and you wish that you weren't the-re. Just close your eyes and make believe, and you can be anywhe-re. muppet...Muppet...MUPPET...MUPPET... babe...Babe...BABIES(DREAMS COME TRUE-UE-UE!)

attack of the killer tomatoes...ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES!


I like adventure. I like romance. I love great jokes. Animal dance.


I think I can remember it, since I watch Muppet Babies so much as a kid. Actually, I do remember it, kinda weird your introduce to something like this to a Muppet-connection show. That's the 80s for you, that's why I love it, because it's unpredictable.


It's funny because I can see Attack of the Killer Tomatoes done as a Muppets movie. :)


I remembered when i was 6 when that episode first aired and i rented this movie, i liked it and i saw the sequel in theaters.

"You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN"-The Joker on Batman TAS
