I'm Obsessed!

I cannot understand why I have such an obsession with The Apple, let alone anything Apple-related. I have the DVD, the original Paragon VHS tape, the soundtrack on vinyl and CD, the(Italian)poster, and an ultra-rare magazine ad from 1979. I have created a name for my affliction: Mad Apple Disease! If only they would show The Apple on the big screen here in Ottawa. I would be very happy! Is there anyone else out there as demented as I am? Incidentally, if anyone has any Apple memorabilia, please let me know!!!


and you eat nothing but apples?


Naw, I wouldn't want to die of malnutrition! Thankfully, I'm obsessed with this Apple in particular and not just apples in general. Ok--maybe that's worse than a general apple fixation. I wonder if there's any way to "De-BIMunize" me, let alone get this BIM mark off my forehead!?!


I'm with you. I had to pay sixty dollars for my LP on E-Bay. Luckily I got to see it on the big screen here (New York) a few months ago. I have Mad Apple Fever too!

"I wish I knew how to quit you." -Brokeback Mountain


I only paid $30 for my Lp--and it came all the way from Israel! My buddies and I have been campaigning for The Apple to be shown at our main repertory theatre here in Ottawa, but it hasn't happened yet!


watching the apple once a day will keep the doctor away!


LOL. Touche!


Total obsession! Just watched it today, in fact. Hey, how do you find out about screenings in movie theaters? I would love to see it on the big screen!!


MGM owns it now, you would have to call film distribitors and see if a print even still excists anymore. I called Swank Films once and he knew about the film but hadn't a clue where to find a print of it.



This Movie Is Really Good !! Odd But Good !

Please Join My Fansite For The Apple :


You can download 5 of the songs from the movie as well !!


Unfortunately, in 2015, this site doesn't exist.
I was so hoping to see this movie (or hear something from it)




I'm just so glad to find out than I'm not the only one who completely digs this flick. I still feel the need to join a support-group though...


Sony Pictures Repertory now owns the theatrical rights to THE APPLE, they have a beautiful archive print that MGM struck a couple of years ago, we ran it at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco last September. Was truly mindblowing...



As I stated in my original post, it's a disease! hehe.


if you want to get hooked on another wierd movie,
go find a copy of Dead Men Don't Die, stars Eliot Gould and Mabel King.
gotta find damballa....


It would be so cool to have an Apple themed party complete with BIM marks and BIM shaped glasses filled with Passionate Pandys!!! I totally need to organize this!! :)


WOW i just got to see The Apple on the big screen. I thought Danny Elfman's Forbidden Zone was wild and had crazy music but this movie took the prize. I'm soooo having an Apple themed party for my friend's birthday. now i just got to find it on dvd and the soundtrack!!! B! I! M!


I too am obsessed. I really think there needs to be The Apple Supersite or something on the web because there really isn't a difinitive one.

I often dream of making one so we can have photos of memorabilia, various posters and vhs releases. In my collection I have a UK quad Star Rock poster, giant French Bim Stars poster that's 5x4 feet, a smaller belgian window poster as well as an original american theatrical one sheet. I don't have any of the vhs versions....

Any web savvy people out there that wanna make this supersite become a reality???


Glad I'm not the only one hooked on this movie! I looked around on-line and found a theater that's going to playing it in Los Angeles this January.


I can't wait to see a super-tanned Dandi on the big screen in his loin cloth!


I met Alan Love (Dandi) in London once -- he was the Rum Tum Tugger in Cats. He was ever so nice! I requested to meet him (having loved him in the Apple) and he came backstage still in his costume for me, posed for photos, signed an autograph and was so nice!


Just saw this on DVD recently for the first time. WOW. This film is fascinating and unforgettable. You can't get it out of your head. Clunky and ill-imagined beyond all dreaming and yet it is an artifact with much to weirdly cherish in a perverse way. Some aspects of it are unintentionally brilliant and/or screamingly hilariously or just plain dreadful. Certain aspects, when viewed from our time...seem....downright GENIUS. Much of the music is agonizing and yet....the final hippie ballads about "1994" can never be forgotten once experienced. And it has morality as well! I can't wait to see it again.


Mad Apple disease is still better then Post-Op aanal Drench Worm fungus any day of the week!!!


Just saw this film for the first and only time (so far), on the BIG screen here in NY a few months ago. Such a fun bizarre little film, and ever addicting as can be! Can't say what that magical ingredient is, but it catches and holds! I look forward to my second bite!

When will you ever learn, this feeling is all you can discern?


But do you have the t-shirt? Is there a t-shirt? Oh God I hope so. I will go to the ends of the earth to find it.

I was initially afflicted with the acute variety of The Apple disease, but it's long since become the less intense, chronic type.


Please tell me there's an Apple t-shirt out there somewhere?

Wow, I made this comment before going through the whole thread and then saw that the last comment before mine was about a t-shirt as well and was made by...me. I have no memory of writing this before. I have The Apple disease BAD.
