Review - UK uncut release

well i got this films from my dads work and im pretty sure its uncut, i saw flaming rats and from what i know about video nasties and films like this from the 80's, this one im 99% sure is fully uncut.

I though this film was really really bad. I love b-movies and i love gore movies and horror films like this but... If u are expecting gore like cannible holocaust, u will be dissapointed, becuase the effects are pretty weak. Some moments did have me cringe a bit though. The acting, plot dialogue is all very cliche and crap (actaully the acting is medeocre). I thought the ending sucked and the music is horrible 80's stuff.

This film makes u appreciate good 80's films like "the Hils have Eyes", which are similar in style but geneerally a lot better then this one.

If u like rubbish, gore, b-movies and can laugh at them then u will proberbly like this. If you have seen them too many times before and aren't totally into them dont bother seeking this out or paying money for it.

I dont know who is distributing this film in the UK, i think it might be Cinema Club releasing it onto DVD, get their number and ring them if u wana find out for sure i guess...

You do get to see breasts and a nice shot of a girl with a tight body, which is a little bonus, and John Saxon's in boxers - mmmmmmm.



Hi, was thinking of renting this out but don't want to bother if it's badly cut. Is it just the burning rats scene which is cut or are there others?


it's just the rat scene. It's not a scene anyone would miss.


how could you call this film rubbish? it is actually quite poignant with the portrayal of Vietanam vets as well as what they went through in reintegrating in American society. the comment about getting this film from your "dads work" is quite telling to your intentions in seeing gore and nudity. go rent zapped and dead alive if you want to be a premature idiot.



Yeah this film isn’t Poignant simply because its premise is too silly (Vietnam Vet or no) but isn’t pure garbage either. What it is a mediocre action film with scenes of cannibalism (The 80's music is part of the charm for this genre surely?)

I’ve got this DVD and I’m happy with it-it's got good packaging and the including introduction notes make a good case for its uniqueness.

What I’ve always wanted to know is this film really a cannibal film at all in the same genre as Cannibal Holocost/Ferox? I’m not too sure as I haven’t seen these films.


It certainly belongs in the same genre as it contains people scoffin' other people , with the violence; albeit slightly tamer)presented in the same stylistic and lingering manner. The only difference is the lack of tribes people and jungle, though the latter part is debatable becuase of the Nam scenes at the start.
It's certainly a refreshing change to the formula and is a worthy member of the canon because of that reason. You see Holocaust or Ferox and you've pretty much seen all the genre has to offer, bar Zombie Holocaust.

reply man`s trash is another man`s treasure-personally I think its worth a look for the infamous shotgun blast scene but that has been aped in a lot of movies since..... not trying to pick faults but Hills Have Eyes was made in the 70`s.


"not trying to pick faults but Hills Have Eyes was made in the 70`s."

It was also abysmal.

Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.



This forum is afraid of me. I have seen its true face.
