Senator Stratton's Offer

Senator Stratton and Julian have a strange conversation at the Stratton mansion.

Senator Stratton constantly mentions being bribed, as if Julian Kaye was out to bribe him.

Understandably, Julian says he thinks Stratton is crazy, in reaction to the talk of being bribed.

Was Senator Stratton trying to frame Julian for bribery?

Was the Senator wired to record the conversation?

The way Stratton spoke seemed as if he were speaking for an audience, and wanted that audience to see Julian Kaye as the one committing extortion/blackmail.


I think Stratton was showing what people in his world deal with and how they think. People like his are targets of bribery. Kaye just wanted to be with michele anf get out of the frame. He did not want money.
For me, the scene showed a clash of values.

On the other hand,the Senator gave Kaye a reality check. He predicted that none of his clients would offer an alibi.


I re watched the scene in question, in light of your last statement, that Stratton predicted none of Julian's client's would prove loyal. It's a hard case to make that Stratton made that particular point.

But back to the extortion. If Stratton was paranoid about being blackmailed, why say over and over that he will not be blackmailed, and then ask for a price? It's very particular, and it's not by accident. This movie is highly nuanced and very street wise. Take for instance the beginning scene where Julian and Michelle are in the Polo Lounge, when Julian tries to sell his trade to her via hints and innuendo, the sale is halted abruptly when she outright asks the price for sex. Because of the legalities involved, it was clear that Julian Kaye would not make a sex sale via an explicit discussion of illegal matters. So the comments of the Senator [Stratton] should be seen in that context.


Looking at the scene again, I think you are right. It seems the Senator worded his bribe off the way he did simply to protect himself. He didn't want Julian Kaye to be able to ever say the Senator tried to bribe him. But he did want to pay the guy off to make him go away.


It's been a while since I've seen it, but I presume the Senator warned Julian not to blackmail him, because the Senator presumed that Julian wanted a bribe.

But if Julian had said, no, it's not like that, I would never do that to your wife, well, that's a confession of adultery and Michelle could get nothing from the divorce...and the Senator's goons might have him killed anyway.

Julian is exercising the oft-forgotten social virtue of tact.


Everyone, I watched the scene between Stratton and Julian again. Sure enough, Stratton did NOT tell Julian that no one would be loyal to him. He did say that if he didn't stay away from Michelle, nice places like the attractive club and the people in that society would not admit him. Or, both would go away.
