Julian has AIDS?

I saw this movie when it was out in the theaters. I seem to remember a scene toward the end where Julian notices a spot on his arm which now we realize maybe the AIDS cancer, Kaposi Sarcoma. A real twist to the ending. I have seen it a few times recently and the scene is gone? Or am I incorrect?


You must be confusing it with another film--there was never a scene like that in AG. There was no public knowledge of AIDS in 1979, when this was filmed. There were unknowing people carrying the virus by then, but the medical community hadn't even identified it yet---let alone include AIDS/KP as a plot line in a mainstream Hollywood release.


Thanks for the feedback. Maybe I am thinking of another film but the scene is so clear in my head. He is in jail and has the blue prisoner shirt on with his sleeves rolled up. He is sitting in a chair and looks on the side of his upper arm and there was a spot he notices,then it fades. This was at the very end I think. I am not arguing but would like to figure it out. I looked at AIDS time line (http://www.factlv.org/timeline.htm) in 1978 men in SF and NY were showing signs and this movie opened Feb 1980. The medical community had no idea what it was so was no general stigma yet but people in certain communities were aware there was something. I do remember it being called GRID (gay related immune deficiency)at one point. So it could fit. Wish I could remember. Thanks anyway.


In And The Band Played On, Gere plays a choreographer (based on Broadway's Michael Bennett) who discovers that he has GRID very early in the epidemic. There may even be a scene where he discovers it via a KP lesion (sorry, it's been a long time since I've seen that film).

However, that still wouldn't fit into the "in jail" and "blue prisoner shirt" setting at all.
