Poor Ed Norton

25 years after "The Honeymooners," working in the sewer finally caught up to him.

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


Wow, three years and no replies. SIGH.

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


I don't get it


At the beginning of this movie, Robert Forster's character is investigating the death of a sewer worker named "Ed Norton." Ed Norton was the name of Art Carney's character on the classic TV show "The Honeymooners," and he worked in the sewer. I always thought it was a clever little nod.

Thank you for validating this thread after three years, by the way.

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


I thought I better say something, didn't want to leave you hanging. I watched the film again this morning. Had lots of clever things like that most of which I probably didn't notice. Like the dangerous machinery poster in the police locker room that had a metal alligator cartoon on it. And the "Ramon" Santiago poster in robert forsters room. When I heard the name Ed norton it just made me think of the actor.


"When I heard the name Ed norton it just made me think of the actor."

There was no "Ed Norton the actor" yet when "Alligator" was made, haha. He was only 11 years old at the time!! (Wiki sez he was born in '69)

So yeah, my lame joke probably would've worked better in the early '80s.

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


Yep, I always like that little homage to "The Honeymooners", too.

"Hey, Norton! C'mon down here, I wanna show ya somethin', ah ha ha!"

The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.
