What city?

Just got the DVD this past weekend and got to wondering what city this is supposed to take place in. I've always heard that it was supposed to be Chicago. However, when the family is driving home from the alligator show in Florida, they pass a sign that says "Welcome to Missouri", which would seem to indicate that they were heading farther west than Chicago. It looked more like Los Angeles than any other city I could think of.


It was filmed all around LA according to John Sayles (the writer). The estate
that is used for Slade Mansion is the same house that was seen in the 1988
film Beaches. It for some reason doesn't look like California though.....

However, I always thought that they were in Chicago too.


all the maroon plates on the cars look like Missouri plates from the early 80's. And all the talk of St. Louis makes me think it's perhaps KC or Jefferson City.


It takes place in Chicago. Have the double disk with Part 2 here.


Yes, it's supposed to be Chicago. All those things you mention could qualify as goofs, perhaps.

The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.
