March 5

This movie is set on March 5, as revealed during the courtroom scene of its sequel (Airplane 2-The Sequel), and thus today is its anniversary. And today, March 5, is also my birthday. So this movie takes place on my birthday, the only movie I am aware of that does. But I love this movie and have since the mid 1980s (see my posting "35 Years Old" on this board for more on that) and have watched it numerous times since then, and always make a point to watch it on or around March 5 because of this. And I had planned to watch it today right on my birthday in my apartment while eating a birthday cake, but ended up watching it last night instead, because the movie I wanted to watch last night wouldn't work in my DVD. But I was still glad to see it last night, liked it as much as ever, and it will always have a special signifigance for me because it is set on my birthday.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park


Well, happy belated birthday to you 🎁 This is for you...

I love this movie. No movie makes me laugh as hard as this one.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Happy Birthday and Roger Oveur. Huh?
