Somethin' funny about Malcolm

In the scenes where the members talk to the reporter, Malcolm goes "Better than Mick Jagger, Elton John, Rod Stewart ... Paul McCartney." He says "Paul McCartney" in a funny way, sounding like Family Matters' Steve Urkel or as if he has a bad cold. When I heard it me and my sis cracked with laughter. Also, the part where he plays soccer like a maniac, drinks like a maniac, and hugs his wife (she has a cameo appearance in the movie). Remember what I told ya...


When U mention the Paul mcCartny part, well, it has nOTHING to do with "Erkul" or whatever that f'ers name was, since this was done in 1979 and Eurkel was some 80's or 90's douchebag tv show! :(

I'm glad U like AC/DC and saw that Video, but to compare it ti Erkel is BAD BAD BAD & wrong!!!

Come on@!

"The Film which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths.."
