Our Third Thread

I thought we needed a new one!x Hehe!x

"Its appalling!"

Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister



You know, I want to be a politician - my ultimate ambition is to be the Prime Minister, though if you've read any of my threads you may just have guessed! - so its going to be weird to find out what civil servants are really like!

Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister



I was born to be a politician - it runs in the family! My dad is one, my great uncle was one and his Grandfather was one too! I've got a passion for politics and love to make speeches! I don't mind if I never make Prime Minister, all I want is to be able to stand in the House of Commons and put in my tuppence-worth!

Unlike Jim Hacker, I have the ability to stand up for myself against those who deem themselves to be of higher authority, I am still young, and have more to learn about the murkey world of politics, but I certainly am not niave, the opposite of Jim. I have a very ruthless streak actually... God I should really be listing the good points about myself as to why I should be PM instead of all the ones that make me sound like total bitch! Hehe!x I am kind, I listen to people, I try to empathise with people... but I do like my own way! Hehe!x

Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister


Do we have to keep flapping around like a bunch of wet hens? hehe

