MovieChat Forums > Yes Minister (1980) Discussion > Maggie Thatcher episode question

Maggie Thatcher episode question

Anyone know if there's a video of Thatcher's christmas episode available?, is it in the easter eggs on the DVDs???


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Sorry, but I don't think there is a copy available to the general public, and it definately isn't an easter egg on the Yes Prime Minister boxset, but I think there's a transcript available somewhere. Have you read it?


It was a radio short, with a lot of giggles by maggs, very fun to hear! I have heard it, and at one point it was on the web archive. I wonder if it can be obtained once more. I should have saved the mp3.


Surprised this is not available as you would expect a huge public demand for Magaret Thatcher's hilarous rapier-like wit.

reply; search_type=

Arrested Development 2009
Spread the word!


Thanks WatchAD :)


Generally it wasn't considered a success. Neither Hawthorne or Eddington were Thatcher fans and one of the writers was very unenthusiastic too. Apparently they felt they were pressganged into doing it.


Very true, it might suprise people, but Mrs Thatcher is only slightly less hated than Hitler in the UK. I know that's not entirely true, but it makes it's point. I know of at least 3 people who are organising street parties when her final day comes. Btw, I live in the north of england, where she destroyed every major industry and in turn left broken comunities with no self worth, cohesion and public pride. I'm not even a leftie either...


"Slightly less hated than Hitler" is a bit strong. Many people in the UK do hate her (including me) but a probably equal number are fanatical supporters too. Perhaps more.
And why aren't you a lefty chriskooter if you have views like that? You should be!


I agree that the 'Hitler' quote is a bit over the top- but I find it hard to believe that there are 'any' fanatical Thatcherites anymore. Those would have been the yuppies, and their world is well and truly gone now.
The Poll tax debacle ensured that her reign (for want of a better word) is remembered very bitterly. For those of us who remember that time, it led to more social unrest than anything happening in this country since!

"I'm not really me. Thats me there- that pile of albino mouse droppings!"


There are still more pro-Thatcher types around than anti in my experience. As we'll all see when she finally pops her clogs.


By the time she 'pops her clogs' as you put it, those who truly remember her will be older and too mature to have street parties... well...

Anyway, my point is that there will be much of looking through nostalgic rose-tinted spectacles. No one wants to speak too ill of the dead and the youth don't know her enough to have a strong opinion either way - to them she's just a strong woman Prime Minister.

It also depends on the state of the economy and the popularity of the party(ies) in power at that time too.

Personally I think she'll be greatly mourned... but then I'm a cynic who believes the public is fickle and loves a good show... must be too much Yes, Minister... lol


Given how hated she is/was, you have to wonder why she kept on winning elections one after another.


Probably for the same reasons. Most voters remembered Callaghans Labour government before her (Winter of discontent anyone?) And figured they were better off with a Thatcher Tory run country thn handing the nation back to the Unions.
I wont take sides on this issue as I believe it is a self perpetuating cycle. People vote out a long standing government because everything has gone to pot! And for the next few elections the opposition don't get a look in because the voters remember how bad things were under them. Then that government becomes untennable and so the first party get voted back in until they make everyones lives a misery again and the cycle repeats again and again ad nauseum.

Now with the first coalition government in living memory (1940's was the last I believe), a new cycle begins where one half of the coalition get blamed for everything which goes wrong, and the other take all the credit for what goes right. Expect a record landslide at the next election in favour of the Tories, as the Liberals will get all of the blame, and Labour will still be remembered as incompetent and unrepentant.

"I'm not really me. Thats me there- that pile of albino mouse droppings!"
