That School Song

The song sang by the school in the titles used to send shivers up my spine, does anybody know if it was ever released as a recording?


As far as I know only the piano piece played during the end titles was ever released as a recording. You can still find that piece sometimes on those endless "Best of Television Themes" CD compliations, which just seem to just pop up everywhere all the time. The "School Song", as it was called, sung during the opening titles I have however never seen released anywhere...


Can anyone give me specific details as to how to acquire the recording of the piano melody played during the ending credits of "To Serve Them All My Days"? I think it's very moving and beautiful.


During the opening credits to this and all subsequent episodes, we hear the Bamfylde School Song (composed by Kenyon Emrys-Roberts) sung by a boys choir. Lyrics:

Look ahead to a life worth living,
Full of hope, full of faith, full of cheer.
To a life that is made for giving,
Without stint, without shame, without fear.

Look ahead to the one who leads us,
To the Lord who guides our ways.
We shall follow, follow, follow,
We shall follow Him all our days.
