toy store ghost?

i used to love this show, though even as a 9 year old i was aware on some level there was alot of b***sh*t involved. this show spooked me a lot with the paranormal stuff. does anyone remember an episode about a haunted toy store? there was a stil photo of a sillhouhette up a toy aisle of a boy, ie. the ghost of the toy store. Anyone? also there were cool segments about the amityville horror, making latex/clay models of murder victims based on skull info, and i do remember the indian fakir tucking himself into a glass cube and then being submerged in a pool for like an hour. also the bullet in the teeth bit. and there was a guy who jumped over a corvette that was coming at him full speed at 60 mph and he broke his foot (though that one may have been Real People) but for some reason, it's that toy store ghost which really sticks with me...


Yes, I remember the episode of the haunted Toys R Us store, which is in Sunnyvale, California. Although my brother had told me about the Amityville Horror episode, I had not seen it until recently, when I saw it posted on YouTube (

I think I remember seeing one as a kid where a man's eyeball was removed. The other eye was covered with a patch, but the man was still able to see (I think I remember some kind of stem sticking out of the eye socket; perhaps the optic nerve?). This seems too improbable, but does it sound familiar to anyone else?


I remember the man with the missing eyeball too. As I remember it, he said he was running through the bushes and a thorny branch poked him in the eye and plucked his eyeball out. I was about 6 or 7 when I saw this. I was completely freaked out that my eyes could pop out really easily and then I'd have that empty eye socket like the man on the show showed us up close. Ick. Still give me the willies to think about that close up on him holding his eyelid open to show the empty eye socket. That was awful.


Yeah I remember the haunted toy store story, in fact it was that sillhouhette they showed that I remember the most, and they linked it to a guy whom died nearby when he hit himself in the leg with an axe. I also remember the Amityville horror episode.


Yeah, that one used to freak me out! They had re-creation scenes on the show all the time, and for this, there was a man (or boy?) chopping wood. He accidently whacked himself in the leg and died. They show him hitting himself only in silhouette on the grass, but it was enough to be creepy. It was supposed to have happened in the early 1900s or 1800s. The people at the toy store described him as mischieveous, turning on bathroom faucets, moving signs, etc.

Another really spooky one was a house that was haunted by a boy. A girl saw him peering out the attic window when she came walking home from school one day. They also claimed that he would bounce balls down the stairs. The creepiest part involved the mother, who was sleeping on the couch in the living room. She awoke and saw the boy standing in front of her.

I hated when they featured those surgeries!! I still don't like watching stuff like that.


OMG, as soon as I saw the title of this post I remembered this episode. I don't even remember what I did at work today, but I can still see images from toy store ghost show like I watched it only yesterday. I was a kid when I watched this show and I was such a sucker, I believed everything and it scared the heck out of me on a regular basis.


Awesome! I actually came to this board hoping that someone left a post about the toy store ghost! I remember it so well because it gave me nightmares for weeks. I remember that still image that they showed with some special camera that captures ghosts. I also remember how he used to play with all of the toys and the workers would be mad because the place would constantly be a mess when they opened up in the morning. I specifically remember him playing with the toy from ALIEN and he was making sparks or something out of his mouth. Anyone know where to find this? I would love to see it again now as an adult and realize how ridiculous it was!


If you want to find out more on the story, then go to the following website The website has the story and also has a picture showing the ghost behind a group of people that are sitting on the floor of the Toys R Us.


I remember that, but I also seem to recall that the "questionable" Sylvia Browne was involved in the incident.


I posted a video of this episode on my blog:


Wow, thank you for posting that video! I remember seeing that as a kid and it absolutely, positively scared the hell out of me. I've never forgotten it all these years later. Now as I watch it as an adult, I just laugh to myself because I know that if Sylvia Browne is involved, it must be a crock.


I'm glad you enjoyed the video, and thanks for checking out my blog.


Nobody'll probably see this now, but I sorta recall the victim reconstruction sequence being spread out over an entire episode, its segments mostly leading into the commercials with the hosts (in voiceover) appealing to the audience in the studio and at home to contact authorities if they recognized the head being reconstructed at any point during the show. Yes, evidently, the skull the forensic clay artist was rebuilding on the show belonged to a REAL murder victim. The end result, as I recall,was the face of a woman, molded in cold, gray clay and presented on screen for several seconds at the end of the show, beckoning from beyond the grave for someone to solve her murder. I was about 10 or 11 when that aired, and that head haunted me for years, especially the blank eyes. This show was way ahead of the curve on exploitelevision.
