MovieChat Forums > Bosom Buddies (1980) Discussion > Season 2 - Missing Segment - Aaaarrrgghh...

Season 2 - Missing Segment - Aaaarrrgghh!

I've been watching the new Season 2 DVD and have already noticed a deletion: in "Road to Monte Carlo" (when Kip and Henry are almost killed after the apartment building's elevator crashes to the ground floor), at around the halfway point Kip arrives home to find Henry chanting in an empty apartment. Near the end of their conversation, while Henry is still chanting another "Oooooooommmmmm", Kip informs him that they've each received a check for $2,500 as compensation for the accident--in the middle of his final "Oooooommm", I seem to recall Henry immediately breaking out in song (I think it was The Trashmen's "Surfin' Bird") and jumping up to dance with Kip in celebration of their windfall. Alas, on the DVD it simply fades out on Henry's last "Ooooooommmmm". I can only guess Paramount couldn't (or didn't want to) spring for the license fee for this song.

Ironically, in the second season's title sequence, a brief clip of Henry and Kip dancing in the deleted segment is present!

I can only hope there won't be further deletions as I watch the remaining episodes.


Well, prepare yourself, because "One For You And One For Me" also has a dance sequence deleted.. The scene where Kip and Henry make friends with their cell mates, and dance to "Yakety Yak" is gone.

It's interesting that they were able to leave the song Isabel sings, "Just Once", in "Cablevision", but had to remove these dance sequences.


Oy! Watching the season two episodes I could actually "feel" their brevity. I then checked the running times and noticed that some episodes were nearly a minute shorter than others. It's pretty pathetic, frankly. But I'm guessing this is the best we'll ever get. The person below waiting for the HD versions I suspect is going to be waiting a very...very...long time for them.


Also, in the video dating episode...

The whole sequence where Kip sings "Chances Are" and demos his intentions to Sonny with utensils and toast is missing. (He even refers to using his breakfast as a visual aid).

Shame, it was one of the funniest things I ever remember seeing on TV.

All of this chopping is the result of endless re-runs on TBS and other stations. Due to the shows short run and brief popularity, I doubt that the original uncut episodes even exist anymore. Also, all of episodes except the pilot were shot on video tape and not film. This really reduces the chances of the originals still existing.


I believe that there is a missing segment from Season 1 as well. When Kip and Henry go over to Ruth's house for dinner and she's singing with the guitar about "Going Home" the boys mouth "Right Now...". They cut the whole bit and like all these other omissions, it seems to be tied into music rights problems. Terrible but that's the legal breaks, I guess.



MRCarter, the scene you're talking about sounds an awful lot like a scene from the episode, "Other Than That She's A Wonderful Person".. Is it possible that that's the episode the scene you're thinking of is from, and not "Who's On Thirst"?




If I remember correctly, Ruth was singing "The Banana Boat Song" because she sings the line "daylight come and me wanna go home" and that's when Kip mouths "right now."


I swear I remember a scene with Kip yelling, "YOU STUPID WEENIE" to Henry sometime during the run, but I've watched all of the first and half of the second, and I haven't seen it yet.


The "stupid weenie" line wasn't cut. Season 1, Disc 1, episode "Loathe Thy Neighbor." It's near the end of the episode, as Sonny and Amy, Kip and Henry are all arguing in the office. Ruth traipses in with a priest, a rabbi and a sheik, everyone goes silent, and as soon as they exit, Kip screams that at Henry.


Huh. I wonder how I missed that. Thanks, I'll have to re-watch the episode.

Twilight Ancient since September 07


I know this question is really old, but no one provided a real answer.

All of the cut scenes involve the removal of music. CBS/Paramount would have had to pay for rights to those songs in order to put them on the DVD. And that would have driven the cost of the DVDs up, which would have meant less sales.

Same thing happened with Freaks & Geeks. They had to substitute some famous songs for music produced specifically for the show.


I know it has been a while since anyone has posted on this, but hope someone can help me, because it's driving me nuts.
In Hildy's Dirt Nap, I seem to remember Isabelle singing an upbeat song, and the rest of them swaying back and forth, and perhaps singing along. Of course, it has been omitted from the DVDS. What song was it? I can't, for the life of me, remember.
Thanks, in advance.


Rock N Roll Heaven! That's the song at Hildy's funeral! Thanks whomever posted it in another thread!
