
Hi, I was wondering if this film was appropriate for a 12 year old. He is very mature and can handle some pretty intense and mature movies. He also loves long and involved movies as well as The Criterion Collection. The violence is my main issue but Sex/Nudity and Language are issues as well. Thanks in advance.

Last Films seen:
Danton- 10+/10
Band of Outsiders- 9/10


Well.... It would be a R film, if it were rated. Most of the nudity comes at the end, but there is a rape in the first or second episode, and one not exactly presented in a politically correct context. It's a great work, but 12 may be a bit early. It would help to know what you've considered right about at the limit of what you'd let him watch.


The limit of what I'd let him watch is probably Apocalypse Now: The Theatrical Version, Fargo or Memento. What will the content be like if we skip the epilogue?

Last Films seen:
The Assassination of Jesse James- 10+/10
In Cold Blood- 10+/10


Well, it doesn't really come together without the epilogue. Even without it, it is iffy. I don't think I'd let any but the most mature mid-teen watch it. Frankly, it might seem way too slow. And it could be mis-interpreted as suggesting women are fair game for rape if that's what it takes for a guy to get out of his sexual slump....


I'll give you his Top 10 and you can decide:
3.Seven Samurai
4.The Godfather I & II
5.Lawrence of Arabia
6.Alexander Nevsky
7.There Will be Blood
8.Aguirre- The Wrath of God
9.Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
10.Battle of Algiers
I was thinking about getting him this or Dekalog. How do they compare?

Last Films seen:
The Assassination of Jesse James- 10+/10
In Cold Blood- 10+/10


Dekalog would be great at that age. That's the kind of thing that really got me into art cinema as a teen--Bergman, Tarkovski, Wajda...

Before doing Berlin A, why don't you both watch a shorter, similar Fassbinder film like VERONICA VOSS or MARRIAGE OF MARIA BRAUN. If he appreciates those, then maybe he's ready for Berlin Alexanderplatz. :)


How bad is the rape scene?

Last Films seen:
The Assassination of Jesse James- 10+/10
In Cold Blood- 10+/10


You know that's a subjective call, really. If i were you, I'd get the first DVD from netflix, watch the scene yourself (I think it's actually in the second episode) and check it out for yourself. Good luck.


We watched the first part and there was a lot of sex and a rape scene (Ida's sister). Does the sex lighten as the series goes on?

Last Films seen:
The Assassination of Jesse James- 10+/10
In Cold Blood- 10+/10


It lightens up a little bit, as I recall, but not much. I'd say if that episode was too much you ought to stop.


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