fatalities on set

I feel sure some of the extras must have been hurt or even killed making this film. In the scene where the artillery guns are trying to flee the camp the gun carriage flips over and the soldier/extra is thrown off and the the large wheel seems to land right on top of him. I can't imagine him getting away without being seriously hurt at least. Anyone have any info about these sort of casualties in the making of the film?


according to the trivia section on Zulu Dawn at IMDB:

Two South African extras were killed in an accident when a bus overturned


Obviously there weren't any buses in 1879 South Africa, so those extras should not have been killed while filming any scens or stunts if that statement is correct.


Here is a link to a post claiming that an extra was killed filming he scene the scene with the gun carriage.


If that is correcct the trivia section at IMDB would be in error.
