Jackie Chan dub?

Having seen Legend of the Drunken Master many a time, and loving it, I tried watching the first one, but the dub ruined it. In the version I watched Chan's character sounds nothing like him and the tone of his voice mixed with the frequent cursing makes the character come off as a super cocky, highly unlikable, a$$hole rather than the lovable, kinda cocky, goofball he plays in the sequel which I assume he's also playing in this movie. I'd watch it subbed but I hear one of the dvds has the bad english dub mixed in randomly throughout the Chinese version. Anyway, are there multiple dubs, hopefully one with Chan or a sound alike, or am I stuck with the terrible one I heard on Crackle.com


It is unfortunate that dubbing isn't a respected art form in and of itself. It should be, voice acting is an underrated art. Bad voice acting can ruin the movie for people who don't speak the language native to the film. In some cases, *gasp* subtitles are better than a movie being dubbed badly.
