MovieChat Forums > Jui kuen (1978) Discussion > Who knowns the Columbia TriStar version ...

Who knowns the Columbia TriStar version of Drunken Master?

Who knowns the Columbia TriStar version of Drunken Master?

i was hoping someone can give me a view comparing to the Hong Kong Legends DVD, as ive heard the aspect ratio is cropped unlike the Columbia TriStar DVD but that has a poor restoration service done to it.

so i would really appreciate it if someone can help me there on that.

also, maybe anyone here can direct me or show me some images from the Columbia TriStar DVD showing some of its bad and good frames of the DVD?

again, really would appreciate that.



I have that version on dvd. I have seen many versions and nothing is quite like the columbia/tri-star version! It's widescreen with a whole new english track not heard before. If you're a fan of the film, I would recommend it!


Only bad thing I can think of is that when you listen to the Cantonese version, the audio switches to English at times. I don't remember how many times, maybe 10 times? Besides that, the quality is pretty good.


I can't comment on the video quality, but the new dub is horrible. Makes me want to go out and buy a crusty old vhs of the movie, just to hear the original dubbing.


this site below compares DVD releases. below is for drunken master.


the old vhs version is the best, eng dubbing is top notch comedy, and the original soundtrack is superb.
the made in hong kong had a slight change of soundtrack. Same with "snake in the eagle's shadow"

Bullshyt MR han-man!!
