Kung-fu comedy?

I was listening to the commentary on the new DVD by the Hong Kong film experts (apologies to both of them--they provided great, knowledgeable commentary and I can't remember either of their names, sadly), and they mentioned that while the concept of portraying Wong Fei-Hung as a clown was groundbreaking and irreverant, this was far from the first comic kung-fu film ever made.

Anyone have any info on previous kung-fu comedy? Is it worth watching?

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?


Possibly "He Has Nothing But Kung Fu". That has Gordon Liu (36TH Chamber of Shaolin, Fist of the White Lotus, Dirty Ho, etc.) This was a kung fu comedy. Can't really say if it is considered the first either. And if your question is if Kung fu comedies as a whole are worth watching, I'd say yes and no. It all depends on the cast and the premise. Pick and choose carefully.



I have NO IDEA what the first kung-fu comedy was. I'm sorry. But, as a genre, I can recommend it.

My movies at: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=34435324


There is a film called Kung Fu Vs Yoga that could be classed as a Kung Fu Comedy. Not entirely sure what year it came out, but part of it features two guys who do Kung Fu and one who does Yoga fighting a number of times. Funny and pretty well made.

Also, by the time you get to the end of this sentance, you will realise it is just my sig.


I MUST find this Kung Fu Vs Yoga! Sounds funny as hell! :-)

My movies at: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=34435324


There's the IMDB page.

Also, by the time you get to the end of this sentence, you will realise this is just my sig.


Had a look. Seems pretty cool. Might just have to get it! :-)

My movies at: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=34435324


'Spiritual Boxer 1 &2' both came out before DM. Also see, 'Snake In The Eagle's Shadow' (also starring Chan and Yuen)
