MovieChat Forums > Jui kuen (1978) Discussion > Thunderfoot the assassin

Thunderfoot the assassin

Does anyone else think that his voice in the original dub was better than the voice in the new dub? I just got the DVD and was shocked when I first heard the voice. They were going for that more dangerous sounding voice, I guess. But the original dub was more in keeping with the lightness of the whole movie. Actually, in the original he sounded vaguely like your sterotypical Western outlaw desperado. Those old dubs were fun. I also noticed that the dialogue seemed to be translated a little more literally than in the original. And they inserted more profanity where previously there was little.

And of course, now he's known as Thunderlegs, which just doesn't sound as bad-ass as Thunderfoot.


I thought his name was Thunderleg, without the S. Because he`s such an awesome kicker.


It depends on the version you're watching. I think the original (feels weird using that word in the context) English dub has his name as Thunderfoot.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
