MovieChat Forums > Yanks (1979) Discussion > Devane fancies himself as a Jack Nich...

Devane fancies himself as a Jack Nicholson.......

character in this film. The smile, the attitude, even the cockiness Nicholson has earned. Sorry Devane, not even close!!
I can't believe how much I disliked this film since WWII movies are my favorite period pieces, mainly for the whole romance involved in epic wartime stories. But this film didn't seem to have a preplanned direction. It just pulled characters from the blue, and you were suppose to relate to them, without having a clue what, where, why or who they were.
So, no wonder I never heard of it before. The small amount of messages on the board alone tells you this was not a very gripping film.

I'm a people person,just not a stupid people person."Knowies" should already know this.



Well, der...I know about the history. Just voicing my opinion that the movie was weak. So I don't see how anything you said was anything I didn't know already. EXCEPT that 'It was a good movie', and that is just a matter of opinion. Although I believe it COULD have been a good movie. Had it been written and acted better.

I'm a people person,just not a stupid people person."Knowies" should already know this.


The film has been on ABC twice as a Sunday night movie.

Fictional characters normally aren't known to the viewer. Why would anyone be specifically aware of "what, where, why or who they were."

What you did know is that "they" were British, and US forces were going to be based in their town, for an undetermined time period before the invasion of France. If you didn't like their interaction, then you didn't like the movie.


Well snap! I didn't know it was on ABC TWICE as the Sunday night feature! lol (not laughing with you).I believe I established,without question, that I didn't like the movie in my initial comment on the film. So let's just keep it simple. It was a poorly written screenplay, which is apparent by the minimal attention and reviews the movie received.

I'm a people person,just not a stupid people person."Knowies" should already know this.


Also, when I said they pulled characters out of the blue, and we were suppose to automatically connect, I was wondering if someone could enlighten me as to if this was based on a book, where we SHOULD have known the characters.Not if anyone who's into MTW's could tell me that I didn't like a movie. That was established in the original message, thank you very much.

I'm a people person,just not a stupid people person."Knowies" should already know this.


Strange post.

The concept of watching a film is that we get to know the characters as the film progresses.

All of the principal characters of the film are introduced at the start of the movie - whether we connect with them as individuals or not depends entirely upon our own personality, as it does with any film we watch.

Because the film was not a financial hit doesn't mean that it is naturally a bad movie - this suggests that every movie that turns a buck is high-quality, which we know is not true.

In my opinion the film is extremely moving - to suggest it was not well written or well acted is, to my way of thinking, wrong.


That's cool. Everyone has their opinion. I am not a fan of big budget over produced films. I prefer art and talent much more.
My reaction to the movie, as I said before I knew it was based on a book, was that the characters were introduced like we were suppose to immediately have an emotional connection to them, or at least an understanding of them, automatically. Hence, the aforementioned book, which I never read.
My top ten favorite movies were not big budget studio productions, except for one. I am a much bigger fan of movies that were never mainstream.
Maybe I will read the book some day and try it again.

I'm a people person,just not a stupid people person."Knowies" should already know this.


Rare to see a troll back down.

/me retrieves notebook & records date & time for posterity...

I have opinions of my own, but I don't always agree with them - George Bush


I hope you're referring to me as the troll. That proves that I rocked this debate, because y'all just kept ignoring my question..."Was this based on a book?" Which I finally found out for myself,( since nobody that wanted to debate even had a clue ) and was trying to be polite, even after shadowman tried to explain away that it was the lack of budget, (lol) and not in any way pretentious from leaving 2/3rd's of the story out of the film. Now you, far behind in the game, that all you can do is call names. So I'm a troll. Cool. But in that case, what rock did you crawl out from under? You seem to know less than anyone on here.
I might as well enjoy my life and watch the stars play...........
