MovieChat Forums > Yanks (1979) Discussion > Yanks is I guess my all time favorite WW...

Yanks is I guess my all time favorite WW2 Movie

I saw Yanks in Johannesburg in the cinema 3 times and watched the video possibly 10 times. This movie almost made me feel I had reincarnated from that period and place. It felt so real and the characters were so well developed.
Two favorite scenes are when that ship comes down the River/cannel the cinematography angle was great it appeard so unexpectedly, and then that wonderful scene where Vanessa Redgrave is taken to Ireland for a short visit in the military aircraft and the breathtaking view after the drab of wartime England.
My Wife and I have Just watched Shall we Dance this evening on Mnet TV and Richard Gere takes a leading Role and it cast my mind back to Yanks , a very special movie that I identified with so closely.



I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed Yanks. It is a great film on the subject of American soldiers in WWII Britain. It would be great next year on June 6 (D-Day anniversary) for AMC or a classic movie channel to feature Yanks followed by Saving Private Ryan.

Two other films to reccommend to you- The Affair and Ike: Countdown to D-Day. The Affair is romance and drama; Ike isn't a "chick flick," but like Yanks and The Affair, it is about what was going on just before the invasion.

You can look up both of these films here on imdb and all are available on DVD.


Beautiful film indeed,i love the differents in both sides,i alwys like films that show two diffrerent cultures,the lack of war did not bother me,as i knew there would be none.


As a Black-American I loved Yanks and The Affair for the truthfulness of the treatment of Black soldiers by their White US conrades.


This movie could have been about my father. He was an American. He was stationed in England before being sent across the Channel to fight the Germans. He fell in love with and married a beautiful English girl before he went. The only difference is, he was in the Canadian Army (but an American citizen) and arrived in England about two years before the Yanks, in 1940. In the summer of '42 he was part of a commando force that raided the French coast at Dieppe. The raid was a fiasco and the allied force, mostly Canadians, was routed on the beach. My father was captured and spent nearly three years in various German POW camps. His English bride gave birth to their child, my half-sister, while he was in captivity.


Yanks is probably my second favorite WWII movie. My favorite would probably be John Boorman's Hope and Glory. The two movies are different yet similar at the same time.
