MovieChat Forums > Yanks (1979) Discussion > Typical European pretentious twaddle

Typical European pretentious twaddle

This film is simply more pretentious garbage from our friends across the pond.

As usual, American soldiers are shown to be complete goofballs, while the English are shown as the suffering victims. Typical of a continent in which colonial ties only matter when it's Euro lives on the line.

It would be great if Euros made more films about WWII that showed the other side. And by that I mean the views, emotions and fears of "colonials" (Canadians, Australians, Americans, etc) who were forced to fight yet another European bloodbath to save Euro butts. Show how colonials felt having to save Europeans from themselves.

Until Europeans come to grips with their pasts and start seeing things from a non-European point of view, I'm afraid we're only going to keep seeing more complete rubbish like "Yanks". :-(


Hello Kweekes , how are you ?? on a new board this time !!



<<For the record the Brits did "suffer" unless you call strict rationing and being bombed every day, just routine. >>

EVERYONE suffered, not just Europeans.

Why is it always Europeans shown suffering in WWII movies? Where are the non-Europeans and their views of how it felt to be drawn into yet another European bloodbath? How about showing some "colonials" who aren't portrayed as gauche, wet-behind-the-ears goobers?

Why are Euros seen as sophisticated victims? You are really nothing but a bunch of barbarians!




Do you just want to be inflammatory?

This film shows a clash of cultures, when countries meet fighting for the common good.

The 'Yanks' and 'Euros' come off as having both good and bad qualities.

This film is far from 'rubbish' - it is beautifully shot, has wonderful characters, and portrays a snapshot of what life may have been in England during that time.

I first saw this film in the cinema with my grandmother, who lived through this (English born, but a staunch Australian) - I remember hearing her laugh (and cry) - because it all rang true.

Maybe you need to come to grips with reality - and see this for the wonderful, period film it is - rather than a political statement


kweekes-2 - The type of ill-informed, and ignorant individual who revels in their ignorance.

I'd guess he's the type of American who gives other Americans a bad name...

I pity 'em, I really do.



''...a little whimsical in the brain-pan''


Ok i am 27 years old and so i didn't live through the wartime but i have heard stories of how the war was from my grandad mostly as he lived through the war, i can say that it wasn't the best of times but that people came together and helped each other.

I appreciate very much that people from all over the world helped the bristish and i am british myslef

I can assure you that if America were in the same position as the UK found them seLves in, in fact most of Europe then the english would do the same as the americans did.

You were actually quite rude about us Kweekes.

No one ever wants to have a war you know

D'you think i could be a bird in another life?Notebook


The common saying about the Yanks...they're over-sexed, over paid and over here!


I have seen this film several times and don't think the Americans are shown in a bad light, except for their treatment of the black soldiers.

Cats rule, dogs drool!


i think it makes the yanks look too good, eg they can speak english and tie up their shoelaces.


Too bad you're so totally ignorant, such a shame.


Don't Make Me Have to Release the Flying Monkeys!

