Lee Grant

Lee Grant was blackballed during the McCarthy era in the fifties and got precious little work for nearly twenty years. I thought she did an excellent job in this film, and I wonder how many other fine performances she would have given if she hadn't been the victim of the neo-fascist mentality whipped up during the second "Red Scare" by McCarthy and Nixon and their ilk.

Ciao, e buon auguri


Loved Lee Grant in this film. She had a few great lines: "I'm not your added appendage!" and "I'm in trouble -- and I don't trust you anymore!". Moreover, Grant has a terrific moment when she asks Marjoe Gortner if he really means it when Gortner tells her he's sorry and Gortner replies, "No, but I wish I was."

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
