Nyc in the 70s

If anyone wants to see what NYC looked like in the 70s this is the movie. I'm happy they filmed mostly on location because it shows the real city we all lost to Disney. This was the time when the lower East side had the most amazing food and eating at 5am you'd be sitting next to drag queens, straight kids.. Everyone ate together & it was a great place/ blueberry cheese blintz.. And The Filmore East was on 2 no ave.. Mama Cass/ the Who and all on that same night.. You don't see NYC like that in any form now.. They have wiped clean any trace of pure art forms


This film was a spot on portrayal of NYC in the 70s. The city was a mess and on the verge of bankruptcy. Many neighborhoods that are now full of $5mm+ apartments were war zones. One did not ride the subway at night and there were lots of gangs.


That was the decay era.


Sounds amazing! I wasn't born until 1993, but deep down I long for time like this. Too many people seem conceded and/or uptight these days.




Yes. The good old days when it wasn't safe to walk the streets.

When a man was mugged every 11 seconds.


Robin Williams was a god.

No shirt, no shoes, no SEXY.
