Sarah Holcomb

Sarah was a joy to watch in this film, beautiful, intense, affecting. It is good to see her in full bloom, as Animal House had her in kitschy make up and clothes and she played down her beauty in Caddyshack with very short haircut and accent. Here she shines in close up after close up.
Watching her it is with a twang of regret for what we'd miss had her career continued. This was a good vehicle for her, in theory. Robby had a string of hits and was rather big among the teen set still. That the film raised the ire of Latino's was an unfortunate outcome and doomed the film to early cable runs which is where I first came across it in 1979 and into the '80's.
But watching it again 32 years later it held up as a good, though somewhat innocent and naive, take on gang culture. And Benson did a credible acting job. But seeing Holcomb was an exercise in the bittersweet knowing now how her demons would ravage her shortly thereafter, and possibly during that time of filming. It would be interesting to hear Benson's memories of the time filming this, his time with Sarah, and what he thinks about it today.


What happended to Sarah. Her IMDB profile does not say.


She reportedly had mental health issues (schizophrenia?) which were undoubtedly exacerbated by the wild Hollywood drug lifestyle of the late seventies. Ever since Caddyshack, all indications are she's been living a quiet, anonymous life on government assistance somewhere in New England.

At least it sounds a lot better than Erin Moran's (Joannie from the old Happy Days show) transient, homeless life somewhere in southern Indiana.


Glynnis O'Connor must have been unavailable for "Walk Proud".
