Waste of Film

I've watched the first 30 minutes of this on TCM and it is SO boring, SO pointless. Lots of pointless shots, very little that moves the story forward. It tries too hard to be "artistic" with European-style symbolism. Shelly Winters, Glen Ford, John Houston....a total waste of talent. A hawk attacks Ford as he drives his car. Why doesn't he just stop the car?

It's a lot like the original The Omen, a far superior film.


yeah i'm watching it now an the whole movie makes no sense 

Wait a second.. this is a food restaurant we dont serve salad


Hey folks,

Amen to both of you.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile





This movie changed my life. Now I'm thinking about becoming a motivational speaker, but first I must watch it again along with some bong hits.


How did they get John Huston and Sam Peckinpah into this??
