Death etiquette?

I'm unclear if when somehow surrounded by EXTREMELY slow moving flesh eating zombies that couldn't catch a snail, if it's proper to just stand and wait for them to bite you?
During the act of being bitten, is it wise to also keep your arms by your side and not act in a manner of self preservation by pushing an attacker away?

And lastly, when ones face is being drawn towards any sharp object, in this case, splintered wood, it's best to just go along till one's face is skewered instead of turning your face, pushing the sharp object to the side, or anything remotely in an act of defending oneself?


I know you're joking and I agree, it's all certainly foolish behavior lol...

But Fulci was ALWAYS about the Image. Never much of a Plot, never much of a Script, never much of Anything for that matter. However, he was a very solid technical director. He had some great shots throughout his career. Puting those shots together and making a Cohesive Film... That's another story. This is definitely full of those, "WTF are you waiting for?!?" type of moments and it's even said after the huge fire while boarding the boat.
