Zombi V. the shark

This will probably go down as one of my favorite ever scenes in any kind of movie... I dunno if Fulci was doing a sendup of JAWS?

Yeah, well, that's just like your...opinion, man.


Great scene. Probably was goofing on Jaws. It would have bean better if the zombie defeated the skark.


I think that was an infant whale shark which are harmless to humans.

"You can't kill the boogeyman!"
- Tommy Doyle


"I think that was an infant whale shark which are harmless to humans. "
Hahaha, you just completely pulled that out of your ass :)


One of my all time favourite moments of cinema. I remember freaking out when i first saw it.



Agreed. Tiger sharks I thought were quite vicious though, did a pretty good job pulling it off.

...Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies


You're quite right in that they are vicious - but this one had been fed and tranquilised before the shot took place (a common practice in the '70s when sharks were filmed fighting against actors underwater) - that's why it looks a bit sluggish.

If it had been fully aware of it's surroundings in the tank where they shot the scene, I imagine there would be one scantily clad diver and one zombie less in the finished film...


It was a real tiger shark... As one can see by the size it was anything but full grown. It was also heavily sedated for the scene. Very cool scene, but as I am a lover of sharks, overall I would have preferred that the didn't drug up an animal and then manhandle it.


Did the shark turn into a Zombie shark as the zombie bit it?


Did the shark turn into a Zombie shark as the zombie bit it?

Good question. =) We don't know if the zombie virus, at least in this movie, may infect animals as well.

The first casualty of war is innocence.


Its the origin of "JABBER-JAW".




Yeah! I've read that they fed the shark meat that was pumped full of horse tranquiliser to dope it up a bit and to reduce the chance of it attacking the cameramen etc.


oh my. a brilliant, fantastic scene. Just saw the movie today for the first time. And I like how it was a draw: the zombie and shark each got a piece of their foe and decided to call it even. Fantastic cinema.

How about the sequence right before, when the girl gets away from the Zombie by scraping his face with branch coral? Who knew Zombies hated branch coral?

More Zombie hunters should exploit this previously-unknown Zombie weakness.


Yep, just saw it also. Very pleasant surprise.


Totally in love with this scene...just imagine being that girl...oh my what a *beep* up situation...Do I swim just to get a *Shark Munch* or do I stay here with these dude that is totally gonna eat my brains...


Zombies vs. sharks. Where can you go wrong?

My no-budget zombie movie. Enjoy...or don't...whatever you want.


in that case you might like "Zombie Shark" that is out this year

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


How many zombie movies have underwater scenes, I wonder?

"There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on." - Rod Serling


I just saw Fulci at a convention along with the cast and when asked about the scene he said he didn't really remember it because most of them weren't there for it being shot. He also said that he thinks it was a really silly scene as you've got all this fighting but neither the zombie or shark are ever bitten. Really great guy and obviously a fantastic director.



Hahaha I'm sorry I misspoke. It was the cast not the director. Good catch :)


"How did you just see him at a con when he died in 1996?"




When I first heard about this scene as a schoolkid, I thought it was the result of a friend of mine's overactive imagination.When I rented the uncut Vipco VHS I was glad to see it really did exist, great stuff!


This was easily my favorite scene of the movie, but I feel like it was unfinished. We never find out what happened to the zombie or the shark. After the zombie scratches the shark and then gets its hand bitten off it just cuts the next scene and we have no idea what happened next. Oh well, still a great part of an awesome movie. How did they film it exactly? It doesn't say in the trivia section or the FAQ.

