MovieChat Forums > Tourist Trap (1979) Discussion > Great film or load of junk?

Great film or load of junk?

I vote for"not that shabby". This film caught me off-guard. See it at least once if possible. Best,J.


it's a great movie, a little inspiration from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and similar music from Puppet Master, my two favorite movies


I think Tourist Trap takes the world's record for shortest party. Davey says they are "going to have a party" and then 60 seconds later he says"parties over". Poor tourists,what a lousy host. Lol


Q: Great film or load of junk?
A: Yes!!

I think this is the best kind of low-budget film, trashy, bad performances, lots of problems and leaves a lot to be you appreciate it even more when it succeeds, and I think it does a lot--it feels like the director knew what he was doing, just didn't have enough money. I thought it was scary the first time through, but what it ends up being for me is a disturbing portrayal of insanity, which is fun to watch (in the commentary the director even pats himself on the back for the moments of genuine lunacy, like Davey sitting on the floor in his wig playing with dolls). But as much as anything, gotta love that incredible, over-wrought Donnagio score with all the sighing mannequin women on it. Whew!

"You can keep your pyroxenes, magnetics and coarse-grained plutonics as far as I'm concerned..."


The score for Tourist Trap is well done. It complements and enhances the film perfectly. It was smart of the producers to shell out the bucks to get Donnagio.


i am 29 years old.. and when i was 10 i saw it on t.v. for the first time.. tourist trap and hell night was on WPIX chanell 11 in new york.. tourist trap scared the pure hell out of me..(*** spoiler alert ***)

specialy when molly in the end is driving with a big smile on her face..also chuck conners in drag obsessed with maniquins... it was nothing short of demented horror..

" my brother don't like me using my special powers... why not.. they make me feel goooood!!!"


kick ass movie


I agree. I'm 38 now, and I first saw this movie in 1979 or 1980 on Showtime. Even though I watched a lot of horror movies then and rarely found them scary, "Tourist Trap" was an exception. The opening scene with all the flying cutlery, and the final scene of the insane girl driving out with the big smile on her face... whew! Never forgot those. In fact, I woke up early this morning because of a nightmare inspired by this movie, even though I haven't seen it in years, which prompted me to look it up on IMDB. It has plenty of flaws, yeah, but any horror movie that can still raise chills this many years later from sheer memory must have done something right.



dvd is available.



This movie really scarred me for life having seen it (on cable) for the first time back in 1981 when I was about 6 or 7. It is still number 1 on my top ten list of horror films.

Novus Ordo Seclorum


Actually, the music from the film IS the same music from Puppet Master. In the DVD commentary track, the director talks about how he used the same track later in Puppet Master, as he made both films.

For someone seeing it now, it's probably going to suck, as it's probably pretty lame for today's standards. To me it is still much better than any of the latter day horror films. Today's youth would probably get a lot of laughs from it, but when I first saw it as a child of 5 years old, it really disturbed me more than any horror film ever had. Even though when I watch it today, and realise that the story is pretty much illogical and even nonsensical, it still remains a prodominent horror icon for me. It carved itself onto my brain as a child and left a scar that has never healed. The visuals mixed with the super-eerie voice of Chuck Conners will stay with me forever. I still mimic his voice when I am trying to sound scarey, and to this very day department store maniquins remind me of the film. This film proves that department store maniquins and wax dummies are definatley elements of horror. This film shall haunt me forever.

The Sith Will Rise Again


It is the same music from Puppet Master, because the man who made it later went on to make Puppet Master.

Novus Ordo Seclorum


The link between Texas Chainsaw Massacre and this film is that both set designs were created by Robert Burns, who also worked in "The Howling".


I haven't seen it since I was about 10 years old on Elvira's show. It scared the living hell out of me then. I kind of doubt it I would find it very scary (or very good) now, but for years I told people Tourist Trap was the scariest move I'd ever seen.

I also remember that in his non-fiction book about all things horror, Danse Macabre, Stephen King mentioned how much he liked Tourist Trap, and included it in his list of favorite horror films.



Great film! Love the score by Pino Donnagio.



And there's something kind of touching about it too--I don't know, maybe it's just the evocative music, but it's really sort of sad, even though I wanted Mr. Slausen dead, I felt bad for him!

Plus there's some great weird humor...I watch the "Davey" scenes every now and then just to have a laugh, my brother and I used to have them memorized: "Weee are going to have a parrrrteeee....How do I look. Huh? How DOOO I LOOOOkkkk...!!"

Scary as hell, but funny too, in a way: "My brother's kinda STOOPID..."

So A)creepy (that suffocation scene, Oh My God)
B)Funny and
C) kinda sad...that's not bad for a cheap, lame old 70's slasher, eh?

I can shuffle cut and deal but I can't draw a hand



The suffocation scene got my heart pumping, and what's weird Plasterface was saying everything about that.

Spread The Fear,
Toyland Chairman


It has been a long time since I saw this film, but wasn't Roberts killed by an ax? I think it was another girl who was killed in the suffocation scene.

This is definitely one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. I first saw it on TV when I was around 10 years old (almost 33 now). It totally freaked me out. About ten years later I rented it while in college. I watched the movie during a sunny afternoon and thought, "Eh, this isn't so scary" ... but then I started thinking about it that night and couldn't get any sleep. I saw it again on cable about ten years ago, and the lunatic girl's smile in the last frame is still burned in my mind's eye.

Excellent film that transcends the generic slasher genre. Connors did a fantastic job as the disturbed "brother" ... as much as I enjoy the film, I will probably never watch it again. Three times is enough for my heart. ;O)

My favorite scenes (in no particular order):


1. guy getting killed at the start by all those flying tools
2. girl getting suffocated by the plater (especially the way her body started to heave at the end)
3. girl's male "friend" getting his head twisted by Connors (turns out he was a dummy)
4. girl goes crazy at the end and drives off with her "friends" (I think there were some vultures in this scene)
5. girl getting killed by ax (think it was Roberts)
6. shrine to the dead wife
7. Connors' over-the-top performance, especially his funky voice

I don't know how accurate all these details are, since I haven't seen the film in awhile.


And there's something kind of touching about it too--I don't know, maybe it's just the evocative music, but it's really sort of sad, even though I wanted Mr. Slausen dead, I felt bad for him!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt sorry for his character. Chuck Connors did a GREAT job in this film. Pitiful, yet creepy at the same time.
Plus there's some great weird humor...I watch the "Davey" scenes every now and then just to have a laugh, my brother and I used to have them memorized: "Weee are going to have a parrrrteeee....How do I look. Huh? How DOOO I LOOOOkkkk...!!"

It's been a long time since I've watched this (I just put it on my netflix que), but I had to laugh reading the "Davey quotes." lol - those were too good! I can still remember how his voice sounded when he'd say some of those one-liners. And the image of Chuck in the blonde wig on the floor playing with the dolls really sticks in my mind. lol - you cannot get any better than that! Thanks for the good laugh! lol
So A)creepy (that suffocation scene, Oh My God)

Yes! The suffocation scene really bothers me! He does it so slowly and talks so matter-of-factly to her. It really got my heart racing. Oh, I forgot how much I loved this movie!

Committed at 22 just to get over you
My belly aches blue, Lorazepam flu


Count me in on the side of "great film," for reasons outlined here: david.html


Great review . . . loved the pictures. It's funny how those mannequin (spelling?) faces still freak me out.

Committed at 22 just to get over you
My belly aches blue, Lorazepam flu


Thank you- and as the screencaps attest, I'm pretty certain that Tourist Trap can't be touched in terms of sheer 'quantity of individual, terrifying mannequins!'


Thank you- and as the screencaps attest, I'm pretty certain that Tourist Trap can't be touched in terms of sheer 'quantity of individual, terrifying mannequins!'

I wondered if I were the only one who thought that . . . I just thought it was me who still freaked out at some of the mannequins & masks in this movie because I watched it when I was so young and some of those images were burned into my mind. Between the masks, mannequins, and music (or sound effects), this movie still gives me the heeby-geebies lol. Love it!

Committed at 22 just to get over you
My belly aches blue, Lorazepam flu


My sister and I watched this movie for the first time when we were very young. Back then, it was a terrifying and scary movie. Maybe it had something to do with alot of it being in the dark. Or the fact that the mannequins were "alive". Does anyone know where I can get this movie? I've looked and searched everywere.


loved this movie added it to my collection


ONe thing is for sure, you'll never forget it. Such haunting imagery.

"I need sex for a clear complexion, but I'd rather do it for love."-Joan Crawford


"Great film or load of junk?"
A little from Column A, a little from Column B.

Worth a viewing.




I think it's a load of junk, but I think it had to do with the great reviews I read beforeheand and it just didn't live up to my expectations. I think I was looking for something more than just a slasher film. But I will say this, I won't be forgetting about it anytime soon because it isn't quite like all of the other slasher films around.


I like this movie. I think it has a creepy feel to it and you can feel that the place is weird with all the mannequins. There is something about mannequins with moving eyes that gives me the creeps every time! good horror fun!


I finally saw this movie today after first hearing about it in 1984. A friend of mine told me is was scary when we were kids. I thought it was pretty good. The scenes with the dummies just opening up there mouths saying "ahhhh" was freaky. It looks like Sam Raimi got some ideas from this when making Evil Dead 2 in my opinion. Am I the only one who thought the girl Molly looks exactly like the actress who played Nellie Olson on Little House On The Prairie?

"Serentity now-insanity later."


cheap, low budget horror is always the scariest. high budget usually RUINS a horror movie. compare night of the living dead with the remake of dawn, or this to the remake of TCM. a few exceptions are romero's new zombie movie Land of the Dead, and the remake of The Thing. Remember those low budget, grainy, scary days of friday 13th. put a big budget on that and you get Freddy vs Jason. ugh. call them what you want: schlock, b movies, whatever. if you ask me, they are A movies and they do exactly what they set out to do, scare the sh*t out of you. this movie is quite creepy, btw.



Very well said. Low budget tends to be scarier. And if it's from the seventies that usually means its even better



I liked it, it's very creepy & atmospheric, but not a typical slasher flick blood & gore fest. I think it rocked & it's aged very well for its time & for the slasher genre as a whole.


I'm a big fan of cheesy flicks, so nothing's a waste of money to me. And I'm a big Chuck Connors fan and Tanya Roberts was a hottie, so those are just icing on the cake for me. Or should I say icing on the "cheese"?


I love this movie, one of my favorite horror movies (surreal, atmospheric, cool, fun, creepy mannequins, original psycho ... the best). Special feeling. This movie with more budget= Worse movie. And it only gets a 5.5 rating ... while modern crap like japanese The Grudge or Dead End gets higher rating. Sad



Thank You Mr David Schmoeller
how about a Tourist Trap 2
PLEASE Mr Schmoeller
Just Do It
