
I dont see why this movie has rating of 9.2 out of 10. I dont think this movie deserves more than a 7. Your thoughts?


There's a lot of subdued, tongue-in-check, almost cryptic messages in dialogs and acting, the interaction between actors and the message sent to the viewer is often somewhat subliminal. The movie is based as much on "feeling" the atmosphere, listening to the tone of a voice as on plot or _what_ was said. This is true also for many other great Soviet movies of that era(The Irony of Fate, for instance). It is very subjective, so not everybody sees it the same way. However, judging by film's wild popularity among young Soviet intellectuals at the time, its appeal was broad enough.


ty for your reply..I think people who have seen this as a child would have great memories from this movie and therefore rate it this high. I can understand


It's my favorite Zakharov film. He has a wonderful visual knack and a fondness for theatre. Most importantly he knows how to film women and use the camera to ellicit a mood.

See The 12 Chairs. It's the funniest film I have ever seen.


12 chairs movie or tv mini? I found mini to be pretty dark, and film to be ok, but i wish they made the movie with Mironov. The guy they had didnt quite fit the part. or so i thought. Just my 2 cents :)


Mironov is my favorite actor and I think he and Papanov had wonderful chemistry. Were best friends too.

I prefer Zakharov's film to Gaidai's, but, of course, the books are the best.
