
It was by chance today that I was home during the day watching television and Tim came on the BBC.

I'm still trying to figure it out. I mean, it was so funky. Piper Laurie and Mel Gibson in the same bed? Frolicking along the beach? The soundtrack? The fade in's and out's from the scenes? It was different, not in a bad way, just different.

Mel Gibson looked like an absolute adonis especially in his blue Speedos, and Piper Laurie was looking awfully gorgeous at their wedding.

I'm glad I sat through it. Hmmmm...different.



hey i just watched it on BBC too.. started watching it while having my breakfast just coz there was nothing else on but i started to really enjoy it and thought it was quite funky lol. it was a great movie and very different.

"Howard and I were just discussing how he wants me to pull a camera out of my ass..."


I saw it today too. I was in Sydney last year for a while and went to the pub down at Woolameroo and been to that beach (palm beach) where they make Home and Way and been up the the lighthouse so was pretty cool to watch it.
Thought the music was a bit too loud and in your face at some points. Mel's package in his Kylie like hotpants was a little distracting too :)
made me a bit teary when his mum died :(
Shame Mel turned into a religious nutter.
"if you can't fix it you've got to stand it"


That's funny that you two where watching Tim at the same time! I was watching in on the BBC here in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

It was pretty sad when his mom died, I forgot that. But hey, what about Mary marrying him?? And what was up with those shorts? I don't remember wearing my pants so high and tight in 1979.

Can you tell I'm still processing this movie!!! Thank God for the BBC!!!!



Shorts were DEFINITELY what they are supposed to be in the 70s. Short and tight you are cooler. LOL.

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I saw this movie in 1980 when it first on HBO.

The Divine Genealogy Goddess


Mel Gibson looked like an absolute adonis especially in his blue Speedos


I agree with you though, the film has a bit of a weird vibe. It's more like a soap opera than a movie.

But it's worth it just to see cutie-pie Mel.

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