Tim Talk

Mel Gibson as "disabled" was a little like those movie "deaths" from the 1930's and 40's...A little too Hollywood...or in this case, Brisbane, Tasmania, or wherever it was filmed Down Under. There was a great big fat shot of a kitchen clock and I thought "Shouldn't it be upside down? Don't the waves roll backward from the beach down there?

Why didn't they just project the whole thing upside down?

Well, in the future,,,,,no, not the Mad Max future...the Merry Max future....Lonely middle aged ladies will be able to go down to the local Ikea-Klone Centre and computer design themselves a nice dream boy to keep them company...And the result will very closely resemble Mel Gibson in this film - gorgeous, obedient, and dumb dumb dumb.

This film is sort of in the same kinky genre as those "missing limb" porno flicks and chubby-chaser flicks - The disability becomes an erotic feature...Sort of a male version of the dumb blonde archetype.

I kept checking the "time left" feature on my DVD player towards the end, wondering "where is this film GOING"...I thought after Tim's mum died (great heart attack scene, by the way...they really are not "sudden" all the time..they can be long and drawn out) Ms. Horton would be content to drive Tim to the nice school for the retarded run by the hairy-bearded ape-man.

Then we entered the Twilight Zone (Twilight that's just a stone's throw from the International Date Line) when the bearded wonder encouraged her to MARRY him.

Yes, that's just brilliant - open up your checking account to someone who can barely read and who doesn't seem to know what death is. I can just see the fabulous dinner parties they're going to have for all of Ms. Horton's business associates...while Tim sits there gumming his soup...

I also had the same feeling watching this film as another reviewer here - How strange it is seeing the 21 year old young and innocent Mel...and at the same time knowing that he would eventually morph into a grizzled anti-semetic curse-spewing raving maniac.

Do you think it might have had something to do with this film?


you're quite insane


You know, as rudely as you put it, you still made a point.

Of course, I saw the film differently than that but I think it's a very interesting comparison you made, about a beautiful, sexy, stupid male being the equivalent to the dumb blond.

I agreed. I mean, I NEVER understood all the fuss about Mel Gibson. He just isn't that attractive, but seeing him so young with blue eyes and a perfect body, I kind of get it now. And I agree with your point about the disability become an "erotic feature." I really did wonder about their relationship. I mean, one minute she's like his mother and the next they're kissing. How did he REALLY feel about that. Did he understand it really? I mean, I guess they were saying that he did, but they could have gone into a little more depth on his feelings about such a giant and most definitely confusing step for something like that.

You know, while we're on the subject, I fell for a mentally retarded boy at school BEFORE knowing he was retarded. He was just extremely attractive! I had no idea. So, I told someone and then they told someone and the next thing I know I have this squeaky-voiced retard chasing me around trying to snag his first girlfriend. Oh well... it's a funny story at least.
But dude, if he hadn't talked a little funny, and was as smart as Tim, I probably would have married him if we were older and stuff. lol.

But, also, I think they were making that point in the film with the sister's anger at Mary. She thought she was just after him for the pleasure of having an obedient, sexy guy at her beck and call. I'm not sure of all the details of Mary's feelings or motives so I guess I should go read the book and get a little more filled in.

And you know, I was thinking if they did a remake without the silly clothes and hair, it wouldn't be the same because movie people just aren't real enough. I mean, obviously Tim was in unusually good shape (for someone who loved sweets and probably never did anything like weight training)but still his body looked real. Today they'd be all tanned to perfection and smooth as ice cream and have their torso shaped to exactly the right contours and all that *beep* It would be totally unattractive. I'm sure a thousand 12 year old girls would like it, but for me, I prefer the natural, yet lean look.

Anyway, now I'm just rambling.

Nothing Gold Can Stay


And what's wrong with having a Dimbo pulling your weeds? It's not a romance in the traditional sense, but they both need each other and it works. Tim is a fox, Mary pays the bills, and they don't fight over politics - seems perfect.


You obviously have not spent any time with retarded folks. In working at a center for helping them become more independent and cautious, as people constantly try and take advantage of them, especially financially, we are warned to be very business like and sterile around them, because it is true, once they see you as a love interest, they will not be deterred. They see no barriers of race, age, or public opinion.

The story was told with great care to include details of the view of the parents. So many people have no idea what it is to have such a child and to worry about them, especially after you are gone, who will watch out for them, protect them from predators, help them get along; what they go through to put money away for them for after they have gone.

Piper Laurie was a surprise to me in this role, she was very good, believable, her character being a workaholic, at first saw Tim as a sort of child, felt, as many do, that teaching him to read or use money will in the end help him, but her character was also lonely and hadn't recieved advice from anybody that to Tim, this was a gesture of affection, for often times they are also lonely. The public's opinion in this area can be shocking and disgusting, a young girl lured by a boy she has developed feelings for, to a place where he and several boys rape her. Young men who are convinced that another boy is their friend and end up being beaten up and robbed by a group of boys "for fun."

This film was well done, the roles played very well, I found it touching and real. I wish more people like Tim ended up so well. Tim was not doing what he did as blind obedience, he did what he did because he loved her, and because of the way he was, would do so for the rest of his life. It's what most of us say we want, yet our own selfishness, unresolved issues, and fear that it will end make us undermine this happily ever after. Usually, mentally retarded people bring no such problems with them.

I guess if you've not seen true child-like devotion it could seem all made up. Ignorance in our society around this issue is huge.

Tim was well played, his parents were done to perfection, and the sister was as selfish as concerned. Piper Laurie did a wonderful job, as usual. I'm sorry the film was not better received, I thought it was very good, easily an 8 out of 10 for me. But then we all bring our own life experience to the films we watch don't we.


Even though this thread started out as bat-sh't crazy, I enjoyed reading the thoughtful & sensitive replies. Man, I thought I wrote some nutty posts!But I appreciate your creativity.


When I subbed in middle and high schools I came into contact with mentally challenged children and near-adults (not legal age quite yet). At one school there was this one girl maybe 12 years old or a few years older and all she wanted was a hug as staff went by her classroom. Children like her are very loving and love affection. This particular student had Downs' Syndrome but giving her a hug made her day. Actually it made ours also. She was just so happy to see you whether she knew you or not.
