MovieChat Forums > Sooner or Later (1979) Discussion > My daughter is about to turn 13....

My daughter is about to turn 13....

Like MOST who post here (man, did that movie make an impact on about 8 million 13-year-old girls?) I was 13 when I first saw it. (Halfway through, I got out my tape recorder and put it next to the TV speaker--I still have it, and you can hear my "ummmmm" in the background when they kiss)

Hang on--I have a point...

My daughter is about to turn 13. Is there a movie like this for HER generation? I would love some recommendations!



So we never found a movie just like this, but I finally got this on DVD to show her--and she totally got it. She turned to me and said "Your generation gets Michael, and my generation gets a gay vampire who sparkles?"


Team Michael Vs Team Edward. Michael is hot, talented and can sing. I havent seen any of the Twilight movies but does Edward do anything besides just look hot??


She turned to me and said "Your generation gets Michael, and my generation gets a gay vampire who sparkles?"

Ha ha! Give your daughter a hug!


Wow--6 years later and my old post is still on the top!

She's a delight--found a guy who has a whole Michael hair thing going on--if crossed with Jim Morrison! lol


Wow, your daughter's a lucky girl! Michael (Rex) had one of the most gorgeous heads of hair ANY man has ever had!! Is your daughter 18 or 19 now? How is her guy like Jim Morrison? Is he a rocker ?


She just turned 19, though the relationship didn't come with her, lol!

He was a computer geek who looked like Jim Morrison!


Hey grumpy_otter, thanks for the reply!! So, I guess he was a hot looking geek LOL! She dumped him, eh?? Hope you are all doing well. Merry Christmas!! AND Happy Holidays, to cover all bases LOL.


Yeah, every once in a while I go through old threads and saw this.

He was one of those "When i get . . . I will" guys. As in "When i get a dog, I'll exercise more." "When I get this software, I'll work on my video game design." "When I get a new couch, I'll vacuum."

She got tired of it--but they are still friends.

You have a wonderful holiday too! My people celebrate by sliding naked down a snowbank into an icy river.


WOW!! Where do you live? I mean, is it like near the Canadian border? LOL That sounds interesting and COLD!!


Here's a video of the family festivities:



It's nice they are still friends, too.
Guess he wasn't all that ambitious , though.
