Barbara Harris...Amazing!

A much more subdued performance than what I'm accustomed from her. She's just spot on. She kept her rage and questionable sanity bubbling under the surface until her great fight scene with Alda. I always felt uncomfortable when was onscreen and it was marvelous! That slow nod and uneasy smile she gives at the end are brilliant! She has surrendered to her fate as a political wife. All the hardships she faced prior will pale compared to what befalls her. And it's all there in her face! Brilliant!


Good observation. I thought her scene with the interview was particularly well-done, down to the nuances of touching her hair. Seemed to me a less-aristocratic version of Jacqueline Kennedy.


Loved her line when she finally discovers that her husband is considering a run for the Presidency -- "When were you going to tell me ... at the Inauguration???!!!"

Take 'em to Missouri
