over all quality and cut songs

I saw this when it was released in one of NYC's biggest movie theatures
with stereophonic sound. It was a limited booking; I seem to recall one
night only like a concert,back around 1980. I thought it was great but it
was not the entire WINGS OVER AMERICA 3 LP SET. Some songs were missing ie
Denny lanes version of RICHARD CORY was one. Picasso's last words and one or
two others. Some songs also stopped abruptly not being compleat versions.

Recently about five songs were taken from this tour and dumped on a three
disk set DVD of Paul Mc'Cartney's and the quality is poor. Over lit blurry
colored lighting,just substandard compared to more recent concert footage
of Pauls. One note though some of the deleated songs can be found on
YOUTUBE IE: Denny Lane singing RICHARD CORY and others but the quality sound
and picture are poor so be warned.


Richard Cory is on the new re-issue.


The new reissue is the complete concert with the runtime being a little over two hours. It's a really good concert film and I find it amazing that Paul allowed all this time to go by before he made sure it got a proper video release.


It is unfortunate it's been languishing in obscurity for so long, but better late than never. Let the show begin!
